Chapter 13

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~C H A P T E R 1 3~
~dinner in the gardens~

"Time is a'ticking, young master. The (L/N)'s will be here any minute now."

Ciel sighed. "Grandious. Get the lunch set, Sebastian." Sebastian chuckled. "Right away." With that, he sped off at lightning speed as Ciel made his way down the stairs.

"As simple as it is," Ciel said lowly. "I'll just wait."


The extravagant carriage halted to a stop, as the four family members slightly shifted backward. "We're here!" (S/N) squealed, as the man the (L/N)'s recognized as Sebastian Michaelis opened the door, smiling forwardly.

"Welcome, Duke (F/N) and Duchess (M/N). Lady (S/N). And our dear Lady (Y/N)," He said, bowing as he helped them all down. "My master awaits you all by the entrance hall. Please do follow."

(M/N) took (Y/N)'s hand quickly, shooting her a reassuring and cautioning glance. For (Y/N) knew that her mother planned on making Ciel her fiancée, one way or another. Even if it meant tearing Lizzie out of the way.

At times, (Y/N) sighed to herself, mouthing the words, mother could be a little too mischevious.

(Y/N) and her family made their way inside the grand halls, where Ciel awaited by the stairs, coming down.

"Duke (F/N) and Dutchess (M/N). It's just too pleasant to see you once more." He said kindly, yet showed no emotion.

"Ah, thank you, Earl Phantomhive! We're too delighted that you have decided to take in our young dear." (M/N) said brightly, pointing her (mother's fave color XD) fan towards (Y/N).

(Y/N) was emotionless as well, her lips in a straight line and (e/c) eyes dull as she watched Ciel. "Yes." She muttered, not breaking eye contact with him.

Ciel shot her a meaningful look, something that said, I'll deal with you later. In an extremely spooky way, sure enough. (Y/N) slightly jumped back, eyes wide now as he went back to the matters at hand. "I have arranged a ball for tomorrow to welcome our guest. Will you be here?" Ciel asked the family.

"Sadly, we must go through with my brothers and sisters to (random country). We are terribly sorry, Earl. But we still wish you all of the best. We even brought a small gift," (F/N) said, smiling proudly as two of his servants came walking through the doors, holding a dramatically oversized painting.

Ciel's and (Y/N)'s eyes both widened once they saw what it was. Mother of a bloody mackarel, (Y/N) suddenly cursed in her mind, blown away by her father's sudden actions.

A painting of Ciel with his navy formal suit. His face was plain, sitting on a chair, yet next to him stood a smiling young lass. That lass was (Y/N), wearing a matching navy lace dress, with long-hand-stretching sleeves. She was smiling sweetly with a closed mouth, both of them with their hands over their fronts. Yet, her left hand was on Ciel's shoulder.

Ciel didn't stop watching it. And couldn't believe the lord had gotten him such a thing. "I-I..." He was silent, his expression relaxing. "It is absolutely perfect, Lord (F/N). My deepest thanks. Sebastian, I want this canvas hung by tonight. On the main staircase's wall," He said. "Of course, my lord." Sebastian said.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes lightly, her cheeks flushed pink with embarasment. She suddenly grapled a silent conversation with her mother. "You never gave a hint about having such a... preposterous item hidden in the carriage," She whispered at her mother, her expression untrustful and doubting.

"I had to," Her mother said, taking her hand. "You will thank me as the time passes." (Y/N) slipped her hand away, looking down on the floor. She looked back up shortly to find Ciel watching her every move, and didn't even flinch after she discovered him.

"Please follow me to the gardens. We will be having dinner there." He beckoned for the family to follow, stepping out into such beautiful gardens, that it put the stars' beauty against the floor.

"Such luxorious gardens!" (S/N) gasped at every flower, a nature lover herself. "Such well-kept plants! Earl Phantomhive, I've never seen such a perfect estate. You truly are outstanding, after all!"

Ciel chuckled lifelessly. "Thank you, Lady (S/N). Please come this way."

There, they all ended up sitting in a beautiful part of the garden. Flowers and bushes surrounded the place. Candles everywhere were such an abundant light source, and the moon giddily danced over them, showing off such powerful light.

"It truly is a beautiful night in such a beautiful setting." Was the first thing (Y/N) had said out loud in the whole stay. Ciel glanced at her, that look from before coming back. (Y/N) looked to her left, avoiding contact with the young earl. Ciel just scowled at himself mentally and physically for making the girl avoid him, and everyone sat down.

Mother forced (Y/N) to sit right next to Ciel, who sat at the table's end. Duke (F/N) and his younger daughter and wife sat on the other end, just a few seats away.

"I'm quite glad you have accepted my invitation, lady (Y/N)." Ciel suddenly said, glancing at her. (Y/N) took a deep, barely shaky breath. "Yes, Earl Phantomhive. Thank you very much. I truly believe this is going to be a wonderful experience for me."

"Earl?" Her mother suddenly butted in. "Oh, yes Lady (M/N)?" He looked up at the grandious woman.

"Me and my husband have been talking... wedding matters."

A sudden knot in her throat made (Y/N) stop breathing, her heart aching as her mother went on. Ciel felt the same way, but anticipation and slight excitement instead of nervousness. Obviously, he did not show it. But (Y/N) could easily tell he was enjoying the way conversation steered towards these matters.

"We have been all around the country, and many fine suitors have been shown. All these young men for the future, for when she becomes seventeen or older. All boys, nice and delightful for our dear (Y/N). Yet, none interest her!" She cried out. "Do you know anything we could do? Or anyone we could try in particular?" She asked.

Ciel felt a ray of hope inside his heart. His eyebrows knitted together as he thought. "Well... I know many lords and men who have sons my age... But none of them would suit your daughter's perfect style. She's much too... special to be left in the hands of such animals"

(Y/N)'s eyes widened as she stared at her lap, her face burning red. "Ciel," She whispered, only hearable to him.

"Oh, Earl! If there was anything we could do-"

"Mother," (Y/N) suddenly protested. "Maybe the earl could tell us later. He is engaged as well, and might know a thing or two about... marriage."

Those words hit (M/N) like a brick, as she finally realized he was engaged. Her face burnt with embarassment and she shut her mouth. She felt idiotic for not knowing the boy was already under pressure.

(Y/N) was glad her tries worked to shut her mother. It could possibly work for a few days.

And, for the rest of the dinner, Ciel tried to make conversation with the lass. Yet, she denied.

Poor Ciel. ~


((Heya guys um.... btw....
your book family is actually based off of my family. they all act exactly [not omfg super uptight omfg mombrd oanames part] how they do in the book k bye lol sorry for taking time))

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