Chapter 6| To Be One Of The Guys

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Tara's P.O.V

            It went silent for a while after, everyone drifting off and doing their own things. I stared off into space for a bit. A cross between my own grief and the other's suddenly got my mind racing and my foot kicking in place restlessly. I could kill for a shower right now. I started fidgeting, the feeling growing more and more within until I could no longer lay down comfortably. I sat up from my previous position, looking around the room as my mind subconsciously started bouncing my leg as I started to grow anxious. I looked around the room to myself, clicking my tongue as I observed the others as they mindlessly did their own things. I looked out the window, everything seemed so quiet. This is so boring!

            I looked around the room once more, faltering in my tongue clicking as I see Zig-Zag looking at me. I internally frowned, thinking he was finding me obnoxious, which only made me feel more anxious and jittery as I looked out the window again. Instead I started tapping my fingers on the bed beneath me, then turning into picking at the fabric instead. Seriously something, please, anything can happen at this point. I don't even care if another scorpion shows up again. Just, please, something happen!  I huffed out in exasperation and boredom before standing up from the bed abruptly, walking out of the tent before anyone could process. 

             I looked around as I walked, seeing some campers sitting on the stairs of their cabin, some running after another, some just being idiots. I looked over at the showers seeing no one was there. Do I have to ask before taking a shower? I walked around the camp for a bit before I spotted Pendanski strolling around. I started making my way towards him, until he noticed me, looking up from his clipboard.

"What can I do ya for, Krystara?" He smiled friendlily. I shrugged and pointed to the shower. He looks puzzled at first, quick to nod once he realizes.
"Of course! Showers are an any time kinda thing. They are timed for five minutes, per token. So.. use them wisely." He advised with childish instructions. I nod my thanks and return back to the cabin for my things. 

           Ignoring the looks I got I grab my bag and stuff it with whatever I'll need before heading for the showers. I pulled off my socks and boots, and pulled off my jumpsuit so I was left in my boxer briefs and bra. I placed a token into the shower, flinching as the water suddenly slapped me in the face after a brief second of not working.

            It was two minutes into my shower when I heard the unfortunate sound of others making their way to the same showers I was currently using

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            It was two minutes into my shower when I heard the unfortunate sound of others making their way to the same showers I was currently using. I stared bugged eyed as Zig-Zag, Armpit, Magnet, X-Ray, and Squid all made their ways into the showers. Why of all people did it have to be them?! Besides I thought Armpit doesn't take showers! I was two showers in so I was stuck in the middle of two of them. X-Ray was on my left while Ziggy was to my right. Of course. I felt an eye twitch in annoyance and embarrassment as I felt myself getting flustered. I looked around reluctantly, all of their eyes on me with false innocence, causing me to glare in retaliation.
"Pervs." I grumbled out stiffly. I ignored their laughing, aggressively rubbing the shampoo into my scalp.

"One of the guys, remember?" I glanced at X-Ray unamused and continued my violent scalp scrubbing. I tried not letting my eyes linger, wanting to slap myself silly as they strayed over to Zig-Zag. I hid my face under the water, rinsing the soap and hoped no one caught my eyes lingering too long. I ignored the fuzzy feeling, glad the water to my shower had stopped and I was all rinsed off, making a hastily retreat. I was forced to a stop, the showers being too narrow for me to slip by X-Ray as he washed himself dramatically, purposely taking up as much room as he possibly could. I hummed to myself in irritation.

"Come on, man." He continued to smile merrily as he stuck his head under the water so he couldn't hear me.

"Gotta try better than that." Squid taunted. I turned around, trying not to look directly at Zig-Zag while trying to get by him instead. He slinked forward stealthily but casually, a sly smile present.

"Leaving so soon?" I felt my face heat up, my ability to talk suddenly being gone. I fought with myself, trying to get myself to look at him.... without actually looking at him.. or his body.

"Yes. Can I get by, please?" I asked quietly, hating myself for feeling so embarrassed at this moment. Damn these boys!  He gave a soft side nod politely, a little too innocently, while taking a step back and gesturing a grand walkway for me. I fumed silently to myself, rushing out as the others snorted and snickered with each other. I grabbed my towel on the wall ledge and wrapped it around my neck while ringing out my boxer briefs and for the most part my bra. They were still wet but not as much at least. I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around myself while grabbing the clothes. I put on a tank top I had managed to smuggle, which like the shirts I've been given were white, which in case some of you aren't aware of but wet bra and white shirt don't really go well together.

           I shrugged on the jumpsuit and tied the sleeves of the jumpsuit around my waist before pulling on some socks and my boots as well. I stuffed everything in my bag and started shaking and ruffling my hair, wringing out any extra water while finger combing it on the way back to the tent. 

            As usual only Stanley and Zero were in the tent, both of them looking up at me as I entered. Their eyes looked down, before quickly looking away, somehow more embarrassed then I was. I sighed to myself and put my things away before sitting down on my cot. It remained silent for a little while, both of them having a very difficult time looking in my direction.
"So..." I tried making conversation. They just looked at me and then at each other.
"S-So, uh Jumpy, huh? What are you in here for?" Stanley asked me, at first afraid to look in my direction. I noticed this, thinking about almost everytime I look at Zig-Zag, and I find myself having a hard time looking in his direction too. I know I'm doing it but I still can't help it, everytime I look at him I- I just.. Ugh! All this fuss because of a boy.
"Fighting. You? "I say with fake acceptance. He sighed, this time avoiding my eye for what seemed to be another reason.
"Stealing a pair of shoes." He answers, but the way he said was different. Like he had given up on the reason. Kinda like my case, he had given in, and was now facing the consequence.
"Did you do it?" I asked him. He looked up in surprise but then slowly shook his head. Something flickered across Zero's face as this happens, causing me to turn to him after.
"Guess they didn't believe you either?" I question him. He opened his mouth but closed it. He tried once more, before finally giving in.
"No. They didn't believe you neither.. Did they..?" His voice was small, and sounded hardly used. This time my eyes faltered, looking to the floor as I thought back to what led me here in the first place. I felt genuine fear, a grown man was following me but still, I'm the one that was punished.
"I'm here, ain't I?" I respond, pretty much giving him the answer. He nodded and looked down at the floor as well.
"Why'd you get in a fight anyways?" He asked after a while.

"Some guy tried to pick a fight with me." I replied vaguely.

"Some guy tried to pick a fight with me." I replied vaguely.
"There's more.." Zero pushes gently. I just shrugged, so used to everyone dismissing it. I looked over, Stanley staring at Zero in shock.
"Yeah, but what's done is done." I replied frankly. He raised one of his brows but shrugged it off. As silence took over.
"Well this is boring." I groaned out.
"You can say that again." Stanley mumbled.

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