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~Katsuki's POV~

When I woke up, I didn't get up but rather continued to stare at the ceiling, finding the occasional face in the paint above me. Even when Sooty came and curled up on my chest I didn't move. I decided that I couldld go ahead and be a log later but right now I need to call in to work.

After that was done I continued to stare up at my ceiling focused on everything and nothing, hearing but not listening, looking but not seeing, touching but not feeling. I was here...but...not.

I lay there, letting the weight of the world press down on me like a heavy blanket. Sooty's purring vibrated through my chest, a soothing rhythm that grounded me in the present moment. From the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of sunlight peeking through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room.

As minutes turned to hours, I finally mustered the strength to sit up, dislodging Sooty from her comfortable perch. She shot me an offended look before sauntering off to find a new napping spot. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and took a deep breath, trying to shake off the fog that clouded my mind.

I slowly drag my feet to the bathroom once again staring into the mirror without truly seeing anything for minutes on end before sighing and lethargicly brushing my teeth and washing my face. After a shower, I got dressed in a fresh pair of boxers. I stepped out of the bathroom and stared at my unmade bed, instead of making it I decided to climb right back in. I was, somehow tired, without energy, unmotivated, lacking determination.

I pulled the covers up to my chin, cocooning myself in a soft fortress of blankets. The weight of the world that had been pressing down on me seemed to double as I closed my eyes, seeking solace in the darkness behind my eyelids. The minutes ticked by in a haze, each one blending into the next until time became a meaningless concept.

The sound of rain pattering against the window drew me out of my stupor, a gentle lullaby that soothed my frayed nerves. I focused on the rhythmic pattern, letting it wash over me like a cleansing tide. Sooty padded back into the room, her tail flicking lazily she settled at the foot of the bed.

Without invitation she hopped onto the side of the bed I always left open for her, conscious or unconscious. I looked at her my vision unfocused, I sighed and continued to lay there. I haven't felt this way in a while. I wasn't burnt out, I just, couldn't do anything, could bearly find the motivation to blink. Me managing to call in to work was an absolute miracle.

I continued to lay there, doing nothing. I hadn't eaten, I wasn't hungry, I'm surprised I bathed. From the corner of ,my eyes, I watched as the lights got dimmer, an indication of nightfall. I didn't move. Why should I?

The darkness outside crept into the room, casting long shadows that danced across the walls. Sooty shifted beside me, her warm body pressing against my leg in a silent gesture of comfort. I felt a twinge of guilt at my lack of productivity, my mind a foggy mess unwilling to engage with the world outside these four walls. But I just, couldn't move, I couldn't find a reason worthy enough for me to move.

I lay there in that state of limbo, lost in a sea of apathy and indecision. The minutes turned into hours, and the hours into an eternity as I drifted in and out of a restless sleep. Dreams flickered at the edges of my consciousness, tantalizing glimpses of a world beyond my reach.

Sooty's purring filled the room, a constant reminder of her presence by my side. She nuzzled against my hand, seeking some form of connection that I was too numb to provide. Her warmth was a stark contrast to the cold emptiness that had settled within me.

As the night stretched on, a sense of unease crept into the corners of my mind. Doubt whispered in my ear, taunting me with all the things left undone, all the responsibilities left unfulfilled. But still, I couldn't bring myself to move, to break free from the chains that bound me to this bed.

I heard the sound of Soot's automatic food dispenser. I didn't move, surprisingly neither did she. Suddenly she got up, hopped onto my chest, and began meowing aggressively. I didn't move. I just, I couldn't move, I was so numb, inside and out. I couldn't move.

But Sooty was persistent, her insistent meows growing louder and more urgent. She pawed at my face, her claws gently grazing my skin in an attempt to rouse me from my stupor. Reluctantly, I cracked open my eyes, meeting her gaze filled with concern and determination. It was as if she could sense the darkness that had enveloped me, urging me to break free from its suffocating grasp.

Suddenly everything was unfocused again, the sounds reduced to nothingness. The world around me blurred into a haze of confusion.

Sooty's meows echoed in my ears, a persistent drumbeat urging me to action. With great effort, I slowly reached out a hand to stroke her fur, feeling the softness beneath my touch. Her purring intensified, vibrating through me like a lifeline anchoring me to reality.

I forced myself to sit up, the weight of my own body feeling like an insurmountable obstacle. Sooty watched me intently, her eyes filled with an unspoken plea. With a deep breath, I pushed myself to stand, my legs trembling beneath me as I navigated through the fog that clouded my mind.

The room swayed around me as I made my way to the kitchen, guided by instinct rather than conscious thought. Sooty followed at my heels, a silent companion offering support in her own feline way. I mechanically opened a can of wet cat food and tossed the contents onto a plate, giving it to her.

She continued to stare at me. Was it not food she wanted?

Sooty's eyes bore into mine, a silent communication passing between us. In that moment, I understood.

Tears welled up in my eyes as the realization washed over me. I knelt down beside her, wrapping my arms around her soft fur and burying my face in her warm coat. She nuzzled against me as if offering comfort in return.

In that embrace, something shifted within me. The numbness that had held me captive for so long began to thaw, replaced by a flicker of warmth deep within my chest. Sooty's presence was a beacon of light in the darkness that clouded my mind, guiding me back from the edge of despair.

I fell back to sleep, on the kitchen floor, my baby still held tightly in my arms.

🎵Remember when there was nothing else to do
But lie in bed and
Wonder how it was always up to you
And no one else and
Early mornings, made by warnings
What's the point of the alarm that I'm ignoring?
It's even raining, I'm not complaining
But waking up is hard to do, so🎵

This chapter was hard to start writing cause I didn't know what to do and was slowly losing motivation, So I took that and wrote.


❤️❤️❤️Love You❤️❤️❤️

Continue to vote comment and stay safe my lovelies

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