Chapter 2

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Hey guys! Here's chapter 2

Hope you guys like

And I'll try to update as fast as I can, so please be patient

So like, vote and stuff yeah?

Thanks, and enjoy!


"You wanna go where?!" Freya shouts, while her gray skin starts to turn red.

"The Human Realm," I repeat myself.

"Why?! You know you can't! What would happen if your Father hears about this?!" She starts to pace. She only does that when she's about to get furious. Danger, danger!

"Because I'm curious. And he will never know."

"Curiosity killed the cat! Haven't you heard about that?!" I hate it when she goes all overprotective of me, but I can understand why.

"Ah, yes. But imagination brought it back." I smirk, folding my caramel arms.

"Don't get smart on me Enya!" Okay, now she's red; her snow-white hair has turned bright red and her forest brown eyes are as black as night. Meaning that she's upset; not good.

"Calm down, Fre." I stop her pacing by grabbing her shoulders but take my hands away as soon as I feel the heat coming from her bare dark red shoulders.

"Don't tell me what I can and cannot do! You know I don't like the idea of that place!" The area around her, mostly the white marble tiles of the hallway, started to turn black; due to the heat escaping her body.

"Please stop befor-" I'm cut off by her throwing a ball of flames toward my head; which I barely dodge.

"That's it! I'm telling your Father, it's for your own good!" She turns and starts to walk fast, more like running.

"No! Please! Freya!!" I chase her down the hallway; it was empty due to the Spring Ball coming soon and everyone is getting ready. Komo and Farkas are running behind me, well more like flying; Farkas was doing the flying and Komo was just on Farkas' back. Lazy lizard.

Fireball after fireball Freya threw at me, more of the school's property was being damaged; windows, lockers, benches, you name it. We end up in the courtyard where training is held.

"You really want to do this Freya?" I ask her. I'm not a big fan of combat but I only use it if it's urgent and needed.

I get my answer; on the other side of the field, Freya is in her fighting stance. Both fists up towards her face, her long legs bent a little and she has her "killing" face on.

I nod and chant a spell to summon my Arcum Ebenum, Ebony Bow; it was longbow with a point on the string for pulling it back and two inward pointing spikes for where my hand goes. I put the bow on my back, pull off my gloves, throw them behind me and get into my fighting stance.

Freya widens her eyes; she knows what happens when I take off my gloves, some people don't.

"Hey! Freya and Enya are gonna fight!" Someone yells. Soon students put down their things and gather around us on the field.

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