The order of the Princess

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"Twilight! Twilight!" Somepony shouted outside the Canterlot tower stairs, which Twilight Sparkle, a lavender-coated unicorn, heard.

"Come along, Spike!" Twilight said while she hurriedly packed up a pile of scrolls in her saddlebag using her unicorn magic.

After Twilight Sparkle spoke, Spike went into the tower Twilight was in. Spike wasn't a somepony but a tiny baby dragon with purple scales and green spikes. "We'll be late to Moon Dancer's party if we don't hurry up!" Spike said pleadingly at Twilight, which Twilight ignored.

"I'm sorry, Spike, but I don't think we will attend her party. Princess Celestia asked me to check the preparations in Ponyville for the summer sun celebration." Spike sighed, let out a sound of disappointment, and helped Twilight pack up to Ponyville. Not long after, the two of them got outside the tower, down the stairs and went in a carriage ordered by the Princess of Equestria herself. The carriage took off, leaving Canterlot and taking a flight to their destination.

"Twilight, did you remember what Princess Celestia ordered you to do in Ponyville?" Spike asked. Taking the time spent flying to ask an important question. One that might change her whole perspective in life.

"Of course! That's why we are going in the first place." Twilight answered, a little frustrated that Spike questioned her responsibility.

"No, the other order," Spike said. He knew what order she was talking about. Yet, he should remind Twilight what was the point of their journey in Ponyville.

"What do you mean?" Twilight was truly confused, not knowing what Spike meant.

Spike looked at Twilight, expecting her not to know the true reason for the Princess's order and sighed. "To make some friends, that's what the princess wants you to do," Spike responded. Twilight was about to argue with Spike's words until the carriage hit the ground; they had arrived in Ponyville, an ordinary town near Canterlot, a peaceful village where ordinary ponies live harmoniously. All three tribes working together. Unicorns, Pegasi and Earth ponies. Twilight learned all these from a book she read as a filly. She hopped out of the carriage, followed by Spike and thanked the stallions that flew them there.

Walking through the streets of that peaceful town, Spike decided to negotiate with Twilight to make some friends, even if he had to force her into making one. "Twilight, you really should follow the princess' orders. You never break the rules."

"Well, I guess this rule is the only rule I'm going to break." Twilight debated.

"What? No!" Spike was shocked that Twilight wanted to break THIS law.

"Calm down, Spike, you keep saying that I should break some few laws and rebel, and this is it!" Twilight let out a slight grin of victory while Spike looked down at the ground, crouched, letting out a sign that he lost.

They kept walking until Spike could hear a beautiful melody, "Woah! That tune is amazing!" Spike exclaimed. Twilight perched up her ears to listen to what he was hearing,

"Wow! It really is. Come on, let's go. That may be our Sun celebration's choir." Twilight and Spike followed the beautiful melody and stopped just outside a house near the center of the town. It was an ordinary house made of wood and hay. "Are you sure we should go in that house without permission?" Spike asked.

"We're going to knock, of course," Twilight said and approached the door. She was knocking it twice. Nothing happened. Twilight knocked again, but louder, which caused the inside of the house to panic. The both of them were startled by what was happening. Spike saw birds flying in a window and furrowed his brows. The door opened, and a white-coated mare appeared with a blue mane, oversized sunglasses covering her eyes, and big headphones on her head.

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