It's a party

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Radiant violet light flashed outside the window, and Twilight Sparkle appeared. She looked back at the boutique for a second and ran fast towards the town hall, her eyes shut with clinginess and cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. Through the door, she saw Spike, not far away, sticking on a wall, lying down, and snoring. She went up to Spike and shook him with her hoof. "Spike! Wake up!" Her voice is at an average talking range.

Spike, oblivious to Twilight, is still sleeping comfortably. "Spike." She called for him numerous times, but he didn't wake. She then sighed with a look of defeat. It's not even Spike's bedtime. How is he sleeping so soundly at this time of day?

Twilight shrugged and levitated him to her back. 

The unicorn strolled just before the door and glanced at the room. It was beautiful. Decorations like these should be used at Canterlot events. Twilight smiled, turned her head, and walked outside with Spike on her back.

The lavender unicorn walked calmly through the streets of Ponyville, taking in the relaxing silence. She inhaled and exhaled from the exhaustion she had experienced that day. Never in her life would she encounter so many ponies. Does that make them her friends? Nah, she doubts that. 

Looking at the hills not far from the peaceful town, Twilight saw the sun almost set. The hills already blocked half of the glowing sun. A look of worry roamed through Twilight's eyes. There were still two tasks left from the checklist—not the checklist left by her teacher but her own.

 Her last task is to find a library and read a book about the elements of harmony.

She has always been curious about what those are. Her books in Canterlot only told tales of how the ruler of Equestria used the said elements to banish the nightmare moon. Every pony surrounding her said it was just a tale. But was it? She had her theories. 

She galloped twice as fast, sweating a whole bunch, asking local ponies where the nearby library was. Until she saw an oak tree with a sign saying the [i]Golden Oak Library[/i]. A wide smile crept on her face. She let out a long and loud squeal of joy and ran to the library.

Faint sounds were coming from inside. Twilight held her head closer to the door and backed out.

 Maybe the excitement of the love of books is what causes the sounds? 

That question made the unicorn more excited. She uses her magic to shake the door knob and open it. 

Twilight Sparkle closed her eyes and hoofed over to her face as fast as possible. A binding light flashed Twilight's. She squinted her left eye to see more clearly. Once Twilight got comfortable with the intense lighting, she widened her eyes and saw that the library wasn't a library anymore. It was a party! With balloons all over the bookshelves, confetti on the ground, and a table with cider and cupcakes on the left! 

How dare they hold a party IN a library! Libraries are supposed to be fun, relaxing, calming, cool, wise, unique, and worthwhile, a place where you host parties, dance some stupid moves and eat and drink unhealthy solids and liquids. Twilight was about to burst. 

Suddenly, a pony called her name. A voice and accent Twilight couldn't possibly know and ignore. She turned her head right and saw Applejack waving his hoof high at her. "Twilight, over here!"

The colour of Bright Red filled her cheeks once again, and Twilight found herself already walking towards Applejack."Oh, hey Applejack, it's funny seeing you here," Twilight said, almost stuttering her words. Her wide, nervous smile faded after she saw Rainbow Blitz gulping some cider like it was his last day in Equestria beside the love of her life. 

"WOO! That's some kinda special cider you got there, Aj! This cider's better than last year!" Rainbow Blitz wiped his muzzle with his hoof ungracefully. Looking at Applejack, Rainbow saw Aj staring at something in front. Curiously, Rainbow glanced in the same direction.

"Oh, hey, Twilight," Rainbow said nonchalantly, returning to the cider table.

Twilight Sparkle looked bewildered after Rainbow Blitz "greeted" her. What was that? But her question floated away when Applejack moved his muzzle. 

"Don't y'all worry 'bout him, sugarcube. He's always gotta have somethin' to fuss bout." Applejack remarked.

SUGARCUBE?! Twilight Sparkle's cheeks went max 100%, and her whole face looked red. Before Applejack could ask if something happened to the mare, a head popped up in the middle with the bit of space the two ponies had left. "Hello there, new pony!"

Twilight jolted and backed an inch away. "Uh..hi?"

"Berry, you don't just sneak up on ponies," Applejack said.

"But it's fun," Berry whined. "Besides, what better way to surprise a pony at a surprise party!"

Twilight and Applejack raised a brow.

Berry giggled. "This is a surprise welcome party for you, Twilight! It's also a party before the summer sun celebration—a Pre-party!" 

Great. A welcome party for Twilight. "How do you know me, and why would you do a welcome party here in the library in Equestria?" she questioned.

"Well, Rainbow and Aj told me about their meeting with a BEAUTIFUL mare, and I just HAVE to make a welcome party for her." A big, wide smile crept on his face. "The her is you!" he whispered loudly.

Does Applejack think Twilight's beautiful? Twilight Sparkle stood still with a blush. She was probably broken by how many blushes she had already made. 

Immediately, the front door burst open. A white stallion came in. Twilight gaped. Berry yelled to Elusive to join them, waving his hoof aggressively. Elusive glanced at the crowd. He saw Berry, Applejack and Twilight and went up to them. "Hey, everypony, and hello, Twilight." Elusive rubbed his head with shame after their encounter. 

"Ya know Twilight, too?" Applejack asked. 

"Well, yes, dear, but something...much more happened." As stated by Elusive.

"Did you kiss each other?" Berry asked excitedly.

"What!? no!" Elusive and Twilight both claimed. 

Berry sulked, went over to where Rainbow Blitz stood, and pestered him, putting a hoof on Rainbow's shoulder. Rainbow Blitz looked annoyed; he took a quick look at Twilight while talking to Aj and Elusive. Rainbow crumpled his face. The three of them looked happy chatting without Rainbow. 

Somepony from the crowd screamed. "WE'RE GONNA MISS THE CLEBERATION!!" Everypony gasped and ran outside the library and went to the town hall, where the Summer Sun Celebration was being held. 

Everypony but Twilight left. The mare was about to follow the crowd, but then she remembered Spike. The dragon was sleeping so soundly. She can't just bring Spike to the celebration. It would not be quiet. Just then, she saw a clipboard on a wall. It says they are hiring! What perfect timing for Twilight. She could be a librarian! Just like what she always wanted. If that's the case, Twilight could live in the library. Problem solved. The new librarian levitated Spike and walked through the stairs and into the room. There's already a bed there. She placed Spike on the bed and headed out.

We are so close!!!

Twilight Sparkle and the Mane ColtsWhere stories live. Discover now