Never leave a friend behind

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Six ponies can be heard running towards the library.

Twilight went in first. Her heart pumps in and out loudly as it normally would, but she tries to remain calm. Despite Twilight's shaky legs, she managed to maintain her balance. She floated and dug through the bookshelves to find a clue as to who and what Nightmare Moon was. She had never heard of her before, and there must be some hints as to why she came to rule over Equestria.

At that moment, Twilight heard Spike making vomiting noises. She went up the stairs and into the room. "Spike? You okay?"

"There's a scroll..." He panted, "Sent by the Princess.."

Spike sounded like he could vomit at any given time. But Twilight cared little, for she had a mission to do. She levitated the scroll and read it.

Twilight, I need you to go
to the everfree forest
and find the elements of

And that's that—a hurried and unfinished scroll sent by the Princess. Everfree forest? And the elements of what? Twilight gasped. The Elements of Harmony—the book she had wanted to read for some time.

She hurriedly got back to the main floor, and just then, the door crashed down, and a blue pegasus flew towards Twilight. CRASH.

"Owhhhh," Twilight groaned. Feeling her hurt head. Didn't this scenario happen before...

When she opened her eyes, the face of Rainbow Blitz could be seen on top of her.


Confused and irritated as Twilight is, she calmed herself a little. "YOU AGAIN! Why do you HAVE to keep KNOCKING ME OUT?" She yelled, then yanked Rainbow with her magic out, slamming Rainbow on the ceiling.

A small cry came out from Rainbow.

Coming in through the broken door were Applejack, Elusive Berry, and Butterscotch.

"Hold your hays now, yall! We don't want anything wreckin' in here now, do we?" Applejack said.

Elusive saw what Rainbow did, "Seriously, Rainbow, this is not how you greet someone you love." He made a slightly disappointed face.

Rainbow blushed. He landed on the ground, "WHAT? No, I'm not!" And looked at Twilight with a grungy look.

"Oh, please. The way you talked about her before the party was all the sign I needed!" Elusive argued. "I could help you, you know." He whispered to Rainbow.

"Okay, enough with this, whatever talk you're having. I need to find a book, and it will not go smoothly with a crowded group of ponies in here." Twilight said.

Rainbow and the others gave a sideway glance at each other.

"Seriously?" Rainbow commented.

Twilight Sparkle started digging through the books. Levitating fives and tens at once and checking their contents in search of the elements of Harmony and maybe of Nightmare Moon.

Rainbow Blitz gathered the whole gang behind Twilight. They formed a small circle, their hooves tangled with one another.

"Okay, so she's a bookworm! Nevertheless, you two make a perfect couple." Elusive stated.

"Ion think Rainbow did this for that Elu." Applejack was still confused by all this love talk. How could Rainbow have feelings for Twilight in one day? That didn't make sense.

Rainbow Blitz coughed loudly, but not loud enough for Twilight to hear. "Doesn't it sound strange to you?"

"WHAT IS?" Shouted Bubble Berry.

Twilight Sparkle and the Mane ColtsWhere stories live. Discover now