Chapter Four

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Warning: Mention of murder.

Curled on the sofa, Adeline stared at the wall, enveloped by silence.

She placed her arms on each other just like when she cradled Natalie. With each passing moment, Adeline spent staring at the wall, the motion of her arms grew steadily stronger; it was Natalie's bedtime.

She felt the weight of her baby in her arms, and a smile paved its way on her lips.

Natalie was here.

A happiness she only experienced around her baby crawled into her soul. Maybe it was all a terrible dream, and everything was fine.

Smiling, she looked away from the wall and towards her arms and gasped.

There was no one in her arms. It was empty.

Her chest started heaving; a heavy, suffocating weight sat on top of her chest, making it difficult for her to breathe. The corner of her eyes burned as unshed tears gathered there. Suddenly, she stood up and started pacing in front of the sofa.

Her hair whipped wildly around her face, framing her features in a deranged halo as she gasped for breath.

The shrill, piercing scream shattered the silence around the room as it echoed off the walls like a haunting melody. A hot rage bubbled inside Adeline as she kept on trying to look for her baby.

She briskly walked to the side of the room and whipped her head, trying to spot Natalie's crib, but when she could not find it, she rushed towards the other side, knocking her feet against the sofa, which led to her toppling on the ground, her head hitting the ground.

A faint whimper, barely audible amidst the silence, rang through the room. With each breath, a jagged ache tore through her chest, the sensation parallel to knives slicing through her very being.

Slowly, the small whimpers leaving her lips gained strength and intensity, and then she cried.

Tears poured out of her eyes like never-ending waves of the sea. Adeline curled herself into a ball, and her body crumpled to the floor in a bone-weary collapse, the weight of her grief pressing down on her like an insuperable burden, leaving her feeling utterly defeated and broken.

My baby.

My baby.

The words kept tumbling out of her mouth as she rocked herself on the floor, her body shaking like a leaf.

A burning sensation went up from the lower region of her belly to her heart, making her cough wildly as spit flew out of her mouth. Her nails dug into her arms as she rocked herself harder, mumbling her baby's name.

To any onlooker, she would look like a person who needed immediate hospital care. Her body was bruised everywhere. There was a bruise swollen on her forehead, her hair wild around her.

Adeline kept on crying, her throat scratchy from the consistent screams, yet the feelings did not leave her.

She sat up abruptly, a few hair strands falling on her face at the sudden movement. She could only hear the erratic beat of her heart. It was how Adeline felt at the moment.

She slowly pulled her hands forward and looked at them with wide eyes. Her pupils had dilated to a point where her eyes looked black, almost demonic.

Maybe she was a demon.

Maybe she was no human.

Which human can...

"Oh my god", Adeline whispered in horror as her actions came back clear to her.

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