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Neither of us revealed Sebastian about the previous day. Our day was regular as a day scholar. While walking out of the gate after dispersal, Sebastian threw a curious look at me and Raymond and said,"Are you two guys hiding something? The whole day you two kept staring at eachother with grins. Spill it! What did I miss the last day?"
Raymond said, "Nothing brother. We were just trying to be better at being friends."
I said, "Yes, that's exactly what we were trying to do."
"Ross and Ray, do you really think I am that foolish to not understand that maybe you guys did something in my absence?"
Dan, a common friend of ours was passing by and made a sudden comment on our conversation, "Maybe you are right man. Last day they were roaming as two parts of one chewing gum."
I gave him a fierce look and said "Grossss!" with eyes filled in disgust.
They started laughing and I took my way home. On reaching home, I had lunch and went in my room. Lying on a couch, I looked outside the window. I was in a thoughtful mood. I called Sebastian but it was straightly forwarded to voicemail I said "Hey, call me when you get back. You deserve to know. It was my fault that I acted out earlier."

I put my phone aside and laid my head on the couch to make myself comfortable. In less than a minute, my eyelids felt heavy and I slept. When I woke up around 7 p.m. I checked my phone and there was 3 missed calls- 2 calls from Sebastian and 1 from Raymond. I dialled Sebs, he picked up after the fourth ring.

Sebastian- "Do you wanna talk about something? Say without guilt."
Rosalind- "Yes...ummm...actually...the day when you were"
Sebastian- "Stop stammering. Speak straight."
Rosalind- " Me and Ray didn't limit the things to flirting we kissed twice that day." I said in one breath
Sebastian- "Okay. Guessed something like that. Never saw it coming from you but I wished to hear it sooner anyways."
Rosalind- "I just didn't know how to tell you. You know that whenever anything happens, you are the first one I always talk to but I was confused this time."
Sebastian- "Oh I see. Now I am the one you are hesitating about. Nevermind but remember one thing. A person should have the idea there's a right time to stay and then there's the right time to live."
Rosalind- "Yes Mr Reminder box. You know your duty. Function accordingly."
Sebastian- "Not your robot dear. Just Take care. Bye."

I went to study and didn't call Raymond anymore because we will meet again the next day. As I said, he always wanted my best and adviced me in the best possible way anyone can. Yet I acted stupid and did what I shouldn't have even after warning.
We live in a world where 'I love you ' doesn't means 'I will stay'. That's the story of modern love- two people, never wanting to text first.

*Dear readers, are you liking it? Waiting for your suggestions. I hope for the best😊. Next part soon.*

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