Chapter 11| Late Night Almost-Confessions

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Tara's P.O.V

"You are not worthy! You cannot save yourself, what makes you think you could possibly protect me, you foolish girl?! Your family's purpose is to protect us! Why aren't you doing your job?! You make me laugh! You better protect my great great great grandson girl, or I'll curse your family for many years to come. Just ask the Yelnats, who still suffer to this day." The voice ended with a chilling cackle, the fog that was circling my mind was then forcibly sucked out, my consciousness being pulled with it.

            My eyes snapped open as I gasped out for breath while jolting up from the bed. I shuddered as I struggled to regain my breath, my gaze slowly lingering over to Zero who laid fast asleep in his bed. What the hell was that supposed to mean? Protect.. Grandson?.. Zig-Zag and Zero, those are the only two I've felt strange about since coming here. Zig-Zag.. I think I like him. Like really like him. But Zero. Since I first saw him.. I, I've felt the need to protect him, from the other boys, from the adults, from.. From the bad in the world. I- I'm..crazy. This is crazy! What am I actually thinking? I swear Grandpa's stories.. They're getting to me. I sighed out, rubbing my face from the stress of overthinking.

             I laid back down on my cot, attempting to fall back asleep. But I couldn't. I was wide awake now, my mind was racing and too many thoughts plagued my mind. I turned my head, my mind slowly being consumed with the thoughts of the boy in the cot beside me instead. There was no denying it, I had developed feelings for him since the moment I got here. And each day that passes my feelings grow, but as my feelings grow for Zig-Zag so doesn't my shyness for some reason. It's like I grow totally senseless when he's around, when his big eyes stare at me.. His eyes are so easy to get lost in, him staring bug eyed most of the time made it easier to see and get lost in detail. Not to mention impossible not to notice.

              I almost smiled at the thought, the thought of smiling vanishing instantly as my eyes locked onto Zig-Zag's in the darkness. I stiffened and found myself staring back dumbly, my jaw locking as I felt my face redden at this. He was looking at me, and he caught me going to look at him, not that either were really a big deal but, in my suddenly panicked state it did. It mattered greatly. I tried to say something, but couldn't open my mouth.
"Why do you always do that?" He questions quietly. I raised a brow, still not finding myself the courage to speak.
"Whenever I look at you, you always avoid eye contact, or you just freeze up and say nothing." He notes. I slowly shrug, at this point not wanting to answer even if I could.
"You look at the others, why not me? Or, when you do, you don't talk much." He pushes with his obvious observations.
"I don't know.." I mumbled, feeling bad for remaining silent, not just now but at other times. He gave me a look, but didn't look away.
"Do you hate me or something..?" He asked this time, as if it were something he's been debating on asking, also making me wonder how long he's had that thought. I quickly shook my head no, not wanting him to think so. And feeling bad he may have been feeling that way for some time now.
"Then why?" He pushed. I look away, not being able to give him a reason. Not just my pride but my shyness both fought to keep myself from telling him. Not wanting him to think differently or even outright reject me. No. I much rather stay silent than try and explain to him why I get so quiet and nervous around him.
"I thought you were supposed to be the tough guy here, why do you care so much anyways?" I asked this time, a slight poke to dodge the previous question. He stared at me, his look inscrutable beyond belief.
"Who said I cared? I was just curious." He shrugged, suddenly a new tone of voice. I looked away while rolling away, so my back was facing him. I felt his eyes linger as silence fell over us for a moment.
"..You had a bad dream?" He tried to change the subject. My eyes fell as I slowly nodded.
"What was it about?" He asked, I closed my eyes for a moment before reopening them, sitting up from the cot. I sat criss-cross, facing him. He looked at me, still under his blanket.
"Long story." I sigh, looking away from him, resting my head on my hand. My elbow propped on my knee for support.
"Come on, I won't tell er nothin'."
"I don't care even if you did." He observes me silently for a moment.
"You are so confusing." He added, mostly to himself. I smiled to myself before looking over at Zero, him getting the gesture.
"Him? What about him?" He asked. I shook my head to myself, confused and not even sure how I'd be able to explain my weird overthinking and imagination.
"I told you it's a long story." I say back.
"Don't tell me you like him?" He teases. I smiled, rolling my eyes.
"No. Besides, I oddly look at him more like a long lost family member if anything. A little brother I've never met before or knew of." I partially joke, but the feeling real.
"Aren't you shorter than him?" He jest. I faked glared at him.
"No. In case you're wondering, I am taller than him." I retort with my arms folded. He laughs breathlessly.
"Not by much." I tried to look at him in fake offense, faking a laugh till it turned into a real one.
"Oh, whatever. You're the tallest one here, anybody would be short if they're being compared to you." I point.
"True. But we're not talking about my tallness, we're talking about your shortness." He remarks. I chuckled before a yawn overtook.
"You should go back to bed. We have work tomorrow, and if you don't get sleep I'll have to carry you again."I shook my head, sitting up a bit more.
"Can't we talk just a bit more? Please? That was a fake yawn, I'm not even tired." I whine. He smiled but nods. So for about the next hour and a half we talked, about ourselves and the others and we got to know each other a bit more.

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