Chapter Two

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Ilhoon’s POV

 “Hyunsik, did you step on my bed again?!” Eunkwang shouts and start chasing after Hyunsik.

 “Sorry it wasn’t with purpose” Hyunsik laughs. Eunkwang jumps on Hyunsik and they fall down on Changsub’s bed.

 “Yaah, just because you stepped on Eunkwang’s bed doesn’t mean you can step on mine!” Changsub says and I laugh at them. These guys...

 “Okay enough” Peniel laughs

 “You can sense some kind of relationship between those two” Changsub says just like last time. He has started to film too. After awhile Eunkwang gives up and sits down on his mattress.

 “You can never win against me” Hyunsik smiles

 “Shut up” Eunkwang says and I laugh quietly.

 “Eunkwang hyung?” Sungjae says


 “Can’t all of us go on a trip because we are free for two months?”

 “Sorry Sungjae, our manager said that we had to stay here”

 “Oh… but can’t we go to the Han River today? The weather is really nice!”

 “Well we don’t have anything else to do so why not? Who is coming?!”

 “I will!” we all shout and we change our clothes so we can leave.

Sohyun’s POV

I slowly open my eyes, ugh stupid sun. I turn around to see what time it is, 9 am. What should I do today? What about take some pictures on celebrities? But Joonho said not to… But he will be happy if you have some photos after all, right? I guess so but where should I go? What about Han River, there is always someone there. Yeah I’ve heard that MYNAME goes there a lot. Well then let’s go! But I haven’t eaten or anything yet! But eat then! Yeah yeah calm down…

I get up from my bed and start walking like a zombie to the kitchen. Randomly I start singing on MBLAQ’s song One Better Day. I make a sandwich and drink orange juice.

I’ve lived alone for a year and a half now. Not many come to visit me and I don’t talk much at my work so that explains why I’m not much of a talker. Actually I have always been that kind of person that don’t talk much and sometimes people even think I’m mute because they’ve never heard me talk. It’s nice to be alone sometimes but when you have lived alone for a year and a half and barley have visitors it becomes boring and you slowly start to become a loner. Okay I seriously start to sound like an author or something. Sorry that my mum is an author… We still have the same parents stupid. Sorry I forgot that you are me. Apologies accepted.

When I’ve finished breakfast I go back to my room and change my clothes, brush my hair and you know, the usual. I take my camera and run to my car.

When I arrive to Han River I sigh. It’s no one famous here. Of course not, it’s early in the morning and they are probably working. I sigh and sit down on a bench, put on my sunglasses and start looking through my photos. It’s just on celebrities, why am I surprised? I look at the river and soon I can hear people shout behind me.

 “Let’s race and see who comes first to the river!” one of them shouts

 “Yaah that’s not fair Hyunsik, you’re faster than all of us!” Hyunsik?

 “Cheer up Peniel I’ll let you win” Peniel? It’s BTOB again! This is probably my lucky day!

They start running down to the lake and just as Hyunsik promised, Peniel wins. I take up my camera and start taking photos.

Eunkwang’s POV

We run down and start playing in the water, we’re just like little kids again. But I feel that someone is watching us, kind of creepy I know. I look around and see a girl taking pictures at us. Her camera is just like the ones paparazzi’s have.

 “Hey you there! What do you think you’re doing?!” I shout and she quickly put down her camera.

 “What’s wrong hyung?” Sungjae asks

 “She’s a paparazzi” I answer and start walking towards her. She stands up and starts moving further away from me. “I’m not going to hurt you, just give me the camera so can delete the photos” I say with a calm voice but she just shakes her head. I can’t see her face because of the hood and the sunglasses but I know that she’s young. “Please give it to me”

 “Never” is the only thing I hear from her before she runs away

 “Come back here!” I shout and start running after her

Sohyun’s POV

They noticed me. It wasn’t supposed to happen. I quickly start driving away exactly when Eunkwang comes to the car.

 “Hey stop it!” he screams but I just drive away. BTOB is exactly like other celebrities, don’t show respect at all to us paparazzi’s who give up our times to just take a couple of photos of them. Those celebrities will never understand how much we care about them. They just see us as a bad sign. But now I know something. Everyone that is famous doesn’t have respect for anyone and if they don’t show us respect we shouldn’t show them respect.

Sungjae’s POV

Eunkwang hyung start to chase after a girl that he says is a paparazzi. It’s actually no use, she will never delete the photos. After awhile he comes back and shakes his head.

 “You didn’t catch her right?” Changsub says and Eunkwang sighs.

 “Stupid paparazzi’s that will never learn when to take photos and when not to”

 “They don’t care about us. They just want money nothing else” Hyunsik says with a cold voice.

 “Hyunsik?” I say he looks at me

 “What is it?”

 “I think she was the girl at the supermarket we saw yesterday”

 “No that can’t be her they didn’t look alike at all”

 “It’s just because she had sunglasses and a hood now”

 “Then how can you know that it’s her?” he asks and glare at me

 “Hey Hyunsik, not that glare to the maknae” Minhyuk says and steps between us

 “Mianhe Sungjae, I’m just a bit mad about all of this” Hyunsik says and gives me a weak smile

 “No it’s okay hyung, I forgive you” I smile

 “That still doesn’t solve our problems” Eunkwang sighs

 “Come on Eunkwang, what is the worst thing she would have on the pictures?” Changsub says

 “Hyunsik and Mihyuk’s abs” Ilhoon giggle

 “There is nothing wrong with my abs!” both of them shouts and we start laughing. This is how we all want it. No drama just fun. I wish that every paparazzi would just stop, all they get is hate. I hope that we will never see her again, she destroyed our free time, and that’s not a good start…


Yaah why don't this story get many readers? :( I know it has just

started but still, it went better with the B2ST fanfic, well well that

doesn't matter! I have loads of ideas for this fanfic so don't get bored!!

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