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I absolutely didn't forgot this book... you can't even tell that I didn't update this for four months and rushed this chapter because someone reminded me yesterday that this book exists... Thank you )^o^(

Changbin: the staff approved
Changbin: Meet me at the company at 10
Changbin: I'd like to discuss a few things for the video and Chan-Hyung said that your room is ready

Jisung: okay, coming:)

Jisung sprinted to the company as he was running late again since he missed the bus. Changbin was already waiting in front of the elevator, looking at his phone from time to time.
The older couldn't help but laugh when Jisung stormed into the building

"Sorry... I missed the danm bus..." Jisung pants and dramatically falls onto one of the chairs next to the building.

"Well, you won't have to miss him that often since you can basically live here from now on." Jisung raised an eyebrow.

"I thought the rooms were only for filming and during the day."

"No, it's your room from now on. You'll have it until the probationary period ends. After this the company will decide if you're popular enough to spend money on and based on these results you'll get your new room. Mostly people don't seem worth spending too much money in, but I have the feeling that you'll be popular enough for the company to invest in you." The older explains.

"And how can I be sure to get popular enough for them to use their money for me?"

"It's easy. You make good use of your probationary period and don't lay back like others do. You can mostly customize your own schedule so it's a great time to learn as your schedule is also a bit done by some of the staff members to help you and that's what most people don't get. They have to talk with people and make videos with them so they can post more, because if you post more while you're new people will be more interested in you and you don't have to worry about where you end up.
So just continue like you did now and you won't be in danger of getting onto the lower floors." Changbin patted his back and pressed the button on the elevator.

"I can only show you your room today and talk a bit about the upcoming video as I have a meeting scheduled today."

The two get in the elevator and stop on the middle floor.

Jisung's room is something he expected. A bit bigger than his bedroom in his apartment but kept simple.

"That's your room for the next few days. If you manage to climb up with your popularity you'll get a bigger room and maybe you can even get something like an apartment if you're popular enough after some time." Changbin shrugs his shoulder and sits down on the bed.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Jisung asks.

"About the video. I looked at your profile and you weren't really detailed with kinks and stuff, so I wanted to talk about this with you as I don't like you having to safeword because it's too much."

"I don't have much experience so I couldn't be very detailed. I only topped my best friend once and Jeongin was the first time I bottomed to someone, so this and the video with Felix is kind of all of my experience." Changbin looks at him confused.

"And you decided you want to become a pornstar with this little experience?" Jisung bites his lip.

"Look, this could be the best-paying job I ever had and I'm willing to do everything to get out of my old life. It was my decision and don't try to talk me out of it!" Jisung says and slumps down onto the bed next to Changbin.

"Okay, but could you perhaps tell me a few things you might like and that we should prevent?"

"I already know that I really like praise, it makes me very comfortable, but I don't know about bondage or handcuffs. I feel like I wouldn't like it if I were restrained but to be sure I should probably try it out, maybe I'd like it even more than I expected.
But something I will never try out are body fluids, other than cum and spit or something absolutely hardcore."
Changbin nods.

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