Part 1- do i tell him?

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I pace back and forth next to my lower bunk bed in the corner of cabin 7, nervously pondering my next course of action.

My best friend, Percy, who's sitting on my bed looking at me with a slight concerned look on his face, watches me slowly dig myself into a nervous metaphorical hole.

Percy hesitates and then speaks.
"Hey, uh, not to ruin your train of self depreciating and anxiety ridden thought, but may I say something?"

I look up from the ground and stop pacing to look at him.
"Uh, yeah, sure, what is it?"

He gives me an awkward smile, almost as if he didn't want to say the words on his mind, but he did.
"Look, I know it might seem scary, but if you really do like him that much, then you should just tell him, I mean, it's not like he'd slap you across the face and tell you to fuck off, so what's the worst that can happen?"

I internally cringed at the thought of Luke slapping me before shaking my head and snapping out of the unsettling thought.
"I'll tell you exactly what 'the worst that can happen' is, Percy. I could make a complete fool out of myself and do something embarrassing and mortifying in front of Luke, and then I would never be able to show my face outside of this cabin ever again." I huffed at the end to make sure Percy got how I felt about the idea of telling Luke my feelings about him.
"I mean, I've liked Luke for as long as i can remember, and we've built a really amazing friendship over the past few years, but I'm afraid that if I tell him I like him, all that will be ruined within seconds...and I'm just not sure if it's worth it."

Percy sighed.
"Okay, sure, but just hear me out. If you tell Luke how you feel and it all crashes and burns, would that feeling be better or worse than if you don't tell him, and regret it, because you'll never know what could've been if you had just sucked it up and confessed."

I walk over to the bed and sit down next to Percy, seriously considering his words.
"And here I thought Annabeth was supposed to be the wise one"
I smirk and look at Percy.

He chuckles at the sudden shift in my demeanour, now being more relaxed than before.
"Hey, I can totally be wise when I want to be, I just don't usually feel the need to."

I smile slightly and playfully roll my eyes before looking back at Percy, and he speaks again.

"If you do decide to tell him, just know that I'll be right by your side if you need me to be, I'm your best friend, and I want you to know that I just want what's best for you. But you have to make a decision."

I sigh, thinking about everything Percy has said, and also everything that's happened between me and Luke. After a few seconds, I made a decision.

"I'm gonna tell him."
I say, smiling at Percy.
He looks back at me with what seems to be mix of happiness, enthusiasm, and one last thing i can't quite place my finger on, it almost seems...sad, but, I brush it off as just another one of Percy's many hard to read faces.

"Do you want me to come with you?"
He asks.
"I appreciate the offer, but I think this is something I have to do by myself. I will definitely tell you how it goes, though."
I smile as I rise from the lower bunk and make my way to the doors leading out of the Apollo cabin. This was it. I was about to do one of the hardest things I've ever done.

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