Part 4- my best friend has a boyfriend

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Percy POV

I woke up in my bed the next morning with messy sheets, and my golden fluffy curls were now just as messy. I spent most of last night having a party of one consisting of self-pity, eating snacks, and playing Halo by myself. Pretty pathetic, right? But what else was I supposed to do? My best friend was out on a date, who she probably made out with afterwards.

I groan and flop back down onto my back and stare up at the ceiling, feeling even more jealous than yesterday. The thing is, Y/n has never kissed anybody before, at least not until last night. And I know it's dumb, but when we were younger, we promised each other that if we both hadn't kissed anybody by the time we were 15, we'd be each other's first kiss. But i guess that plan is down the drain.

I look over at my alarm clock and see that it's almost time for breakfast, so i get up and make my bed before heading out to the dining pavilion. I grab some pancakes, and as I walk over to the Poseidon table, I hear a couple of kids from the Hermes table gossiping about something. I didn't think too much of it, at least not until I heard Y/n's name. I stopped walking but didn't turn around to face them. I just stood there, trying to hear what they were saying.
"I heard they went to the lake last night,"
One of them whispered, and the other seemed shocked by it.
"Omg, no way, wait, did anything happen between them??"
"I heard they made out, and it was hot,"

I gripped the edges of my plate firmly, almost breaking it by doing so. I look up from the ground, and my gaze wanders over to the Apollo table, where I see her. She's sitting and laughing with her siblings as she eats y/f/f. She looks over and spots me. She smiles and waves in my direction, but I dont do the same.

I turn around and start walking out of the pavilion, throwing my whole breakfast into the fire as I do so. I couldn't look at her, not when i know Luke kissed her - no, made out with her. I can't help but feel kind of mad at her. I know she did nothing wrong, but I always thought I'd be her first kiss. And I kind of tried my best to keep most guys away from her, but it wasn't easy. And I guess Luke was just too good in her eyes to resist him the way she had with the other guys.

I walk out of the pavilion and make my way to Y/n's and mine special spot in the woods, next to the creek where we always skid rocks in. One time, I fell in the water and got soaking wet, and Y/n wouldn't stop laughing, so I pulled her down into the water, too. Her hair looked so pretty when it got drenched, but then again, her hair always looked pretty. I smile at the memory of that day as I reach the spot by the creek and slump down onto the gravelly ground beneath me.

I picked up a small rock and threw it into the water, and it splashed on impact. Sometimes, I would come here without Y/n when I needed to get out my pent up anger or frustration. I've found that throwing rocks into the water can be quite therapeutic. I assume the whole water being calming has something to do with my dad, but I never really thought much into it. It's just nice to have a spot where there's no one else around, well, except for her. I wonder if she ever comes here without me, and if so, I wonder what she does.

After several minutes of throwing rocks, I hear a twig break behind me in the trees. My hand reaches for my pocket, where I keep my magic sword, Riptide. But my muscles relax when I see who they are.

Y/n walks out from the trees and has a smile on her face. I couldn't help but admire how the sun hit her skin perfectly, making it glow. I suppose being an Apollo kid makes the sun work in beautiful ways that it doesn't for other people.
"Hey, I thought I might find you here. Sorry for scaring you. "
She looks at me with a slight bit of guilt on her face.
I smile and nod.
"It's okay, im glad it's you. And uh, yeah, I uhm, I come here sometimes to get my mind off things."
Her smile fades a little, and her expression becomes more empathetic.
"Speaking of that, are you okay? You walked off at breakfast after I waved at you, and you didn't even eat anything. Is something the matter?"

Her concern for me made my heart flutter a little bit. It made me kind of happy that she cared about my well-being so much. But I suppose that's what best friends do. They look out for each other.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay. I just wasn't feeling great, so I didn't eat anything. But you don't need to worry though, I'm all good now."
I give her a reassuring smile. I didn't like lying to her, it made my insides feel all tense and twisted up, but it's not like I could just say to her, 'oh yeah no I'm fine, im just really jealous of your boyfriend, because I wanted to be your first kiss instead of him, but hey it's fiiiine, it's not like I have romantic feelings for you or anything. Oh, wait.'

Her smile came back, and it put me at ease that she believed me.
"Okay, well, I'm glad you're feeling better."
I gave her a short simple smile before looking down at my feet and saying the thing that's been weighing on my mind practically all morning.
"So uh, you and Luke, huh?"
She blushed and averted her eyes from mine. She seemed nervous. Great. Now, thinking about him makes her nervous.

"Uh, yeah, we uhm, we made it official last night."

I'm sure you did. I wanted to say that, but I didn't want to make her upset.
I plastered on a smile that I didn't mean and tried to talk in the calmest tone I could muster.
"I'm really happy for you, Y/n, I know you've wanted this for a really long time. Luke's lucky to have you. You guys look really great together."
She smiled, but it seemed off, like she didn't entirely mean it. She didn't seem like she really wanted to get into the details of the event, and I didn't want to push it. It's not like there was much else to know, though.
"Thanks, Percy, but don't worry, I'll make sure to not have any more dates on Saturday nights. I still wanna have Halo night, trust me. It's the highlight of my week."

I chuckle and look at her.
"Good, cause now I've got a lead on you, I might even be better than you. A lot can happen in one night, you know."

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