Part 14- worried

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Percy POV

It's been 4 days since Luke fled from camp, and Y/n still hasn't come out of her cabin. I didn't want to push her boundaries by trying to talk to her after what happened, but I was starting to get worried about her.

I've tried asking her siblings from the Apollo cabin if she's okay, but all they said is that they're not supposed to tell me about it. And if I know one thing about the Apollo kids, they won't break a promise between them and their sibling. They're too loyal for that. I even tried talking to Will about since I know him a bit better, but he said she just needed some time.

I know she's probably shaken up from what happened with Luke, but she's my best friend. I can't stop myself from worrying about her when she isolates herself from the rest of the camp like this. I just... I can't stand her being this upset.

I have to see her. I have to see with my own eyes if she's okay. But how am I supposed to get into her cabin without anyone noticing...? OH, YEAH! I remember from a few months ago when she snuck me in for Halo night. She has a window near her bed that she leaves unlocked most of the time. I just really hope she forgot to lock it.

I walk casually towards Cabin 7 as if nothing is wrong, and no one seemed suspicious so far. I sneak around the side of the cabin where Y/n's bed is located. I spot the window and quickly look if she's inside. I can't see her on her bed, but i could faintly see steam coming from the bathroom. Oh crap, she's probably in the shower. Maybe I should come back later... no. Percy, don't be a wimp. You can do this. It's no big deal. You're just checking in on your best friend.

I apply pressure upwards on the window, and after a few attempts, it finally opens. I hoist myself up using my upper body strength and fall onto her bed. Wow, I forgot how bouncy it is. I guess it really has been a long time since I've been in here. I close the window and get up off of Y/n's bed. I stand in the middle of the cabin as something dawns on me. I have no idea what I'm going to say to her. And, what is she gonna think when I'm just standing here waiting for her to get out of the shower. Gods, I'm gonna look so perverted. Crap.

But, before I can think of what I'm gonna do or even make an attempt to escape, the bathroom door handle turns and clicks. And out comes Y/n, in a towel. Her wet hair draped over shoulders, and a few water droplets rested on her collar bone. Steam surrounded her as she lifted her head, and her eyes met mine.

Her cheeks flushed pink as did mine, and no words were spoken for a good minute. And then she spoke, and gods I had forgotten how pretty her voice was.

"Percy... how long have you been waiting out here for me to get out of the shower...?"

If I were to look in a mirror right now, my face would be the same shade as a tomato. When she said it like that, I really did look like a pervert.

"I-i uhm- I was just, uhm..."
Crap! Why couldn't I form proper words?! Apart from the fact that Y/n was standing in front of me, embarrassed and only in a towel, which, by the way, she was holding very tightly against her.

"I...I wanted to see if you were okay. But I realise now that maybe I should've just come back later. But uhm, since I'm here now anyway... how are you?"

She looked away from me and turned her head to look at the floor.

"I'm fine. Really. You don't need to worry. "

"Y/n, you haven't come out of your cabin in 4 days. Anyone would be worried about you."

She walked past me and over to her bed, but she now had her back to me.

"Percy, I said I'm fine. Now, could you please just stop worrying about me."

"No, Y/n, I'm not gonna stop worrying about you. You're my best friend. It's my job to worry about you when you isolate yourself from the world for days on end. It's my job to make sure you're okay when no one else will. Nobody would tell me anything about how you were. And you expect me to just believe that you're fine?! not gonna happen."

She still didn't look at me, and her shoulders hunched over as she crouched on the floor to get clothes from underneath her bed.

"Look, Percy. I appreciate you caring about my well-being, but I said I'm fine. Now, if you don't want to believe me, that fine. But please, just go so I can change."

I sigh.
"Why are you pushing me away? I care about you, I can't just leave without knowing how you really are. I know what happened with Luke isn't easy for you, but please don't shut me out. I don't know if I could take it if you let what happened affect our friendship..."

She stands up with clothes in hand and takes a deep breath.
"Fine...I'll tell you. But can you at least turn around so I can get dressed?"

I blushed again as I nodded and turned around as she got changed. When she said it was okay, I looked back in her direction, and she was now wearing a t-shirt and shorts. She sighs before speaking again.

"Look... the reason that I haven't come out of here in a while is because....well because I didn't wanna risk running into you. After what I said that night, I wasn't sure if I could face you again. I was so embarrassed after what I said. But not why you think."

"What do you mean? I mean, you only said those things to distract Luke... right?"

She breaks eye contact with me and looks down at the floor, almost as if she was guilty. Wait...

"Percy...the things that I said....those things...we're true."

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