Part 13- backstabber

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Percy POV

As Luke spoke, I heard a small leaf crunch from behind a tree near me. We weren't alone. And I had a feeling I knew who was listening in. Dam it, Y/n, she shouldn't be here right now. I have to distract Luke so she can get away unnoticed. My mind races for something to say that will throw Luke off.

"Why tell me? I mean, why not try and recruit someone who actually would want to? Am I the only person you've got in mind for your little army?"

Luke smirks, and I feel a chill run down my spine.

"Oh, Percy. Do you really think you're the only person I've got to join me? That's hilarious. No, I have someone else in mind. Someone who I'm sure would be much more willing to join me. You know, seeing as I'm her boyfriend and all"

My heart drops. There's no way he thinks she would ever betray camp for him. She may love him, but not that much.

"You're crazy if you believe Y/n would join you. She's a good person, I won't let you take her."

Luke shakes his head in a disappointed manner.

"Well, that's a shame. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's cute that you think you can protect her, but she's mine. In more ways than one. And don't think I didn't catch on to your little crush. It's so obvious it's almost blinding. Talk about pathetic. No matter what you do, she will join me. Because you wanna know something, Percy?"

I glared at him. He just walked closer and closer to me with a devilish smirk on his face. You have no idea how badly I wanted to rip it right off of his face, to see him on the ground, to tell him that he won't be going anywhere near Y/n.

"She chose me."

My breath hitched my throat before I looked behind him and smirked. I looked back at Luke and spoke in a deep, condescending tone.

"Did she?"



I held the tip of my sword to the back of Luke's neck while I suppressed the tears in my eyes. Not hard enough to make him bleed, but getting close to it.

"Get away from Percy. Now."

Luke steps back a bit.

"Drop. Your. Sword."

I saw Luke's muscles tense up before he loosened his grip on Backbiter before dropping it to the ground.
I kicked it away with my foot before moving myself to face him, still holding the blade to his skin.

"I heard everything. Why....why Luke? Why would you do this? To camp? To me...I thought you loved me..."

It was faint, but I could see a glimpse of pain in his eyes. But it disappeared as quickly as it came.

"Y/n....please. I do love you, I promise I do. I swear...I didn't mean for you to find out this way. But please, join me. Join me and we can stay together..."

I applied more pressure on his neck with the sharp blade.

"Shut up. When does the lying end Luke? If you really did love me, you wouldn't try and hurt my best friend."

Luke looked back and forth between me and Percy, as if he was trying to piece some sort of puzzle together. And apparently, something clicked in him because he backed away from my sword slightly so he could speak.

"I get it. Gods, I can't believe I was too dumb to see it."

My brow knits together in confusion, wondering what he meant.

"You love him, don't you?"

I felt my heart jump into my throat at his words. Was he right? No, there's no way... At least I don't think so. But I decided to use this to my advantage.

"And so what if I do? What are you gonna do about it. Maybe I do love Percy. But you know what? He's been there for me for as long as i can remember. He is my best friend, and he understands me better than I understand myself sometimes. So why wouldn't I love him."

I felt my cheeks flush slightly as I spoke those words. Oh my gods...what if....

"Then I guess I'll just have to kill you both."
Luke said, ducking underneath my sword and picking Backbiter up from the ground again before swinging it in my direction. He missed and ended up hitting the rock behind me and Percy.
Scratch he left on it started to glow, and it ripped open. I looked into the opening, and it went on for miles. It was some sort of portal.

Before I knew it, Luke jumped through it, looking back at me one last time as it closed up.

I turned to look at Percy. His cheeks were tinted pink, and his eyes were wide. And I have a feeling it's not because it's not because of the situation with Luke.

I feel my heartbeat quickens as I think about how Percy just heard all of what I just said. Crap crap crap crap. I can't do this right now. I look away from him.

"Y/n I-"

I didn't let him finish, and i cut him off.

"I'm sorry..."

I could feel the tears in my eyes threatening to burst, and I couldn't let Percy see me like that.

beforere I walked away, back through the trees along the side of the lake.

Fireworks went off in the distance. Right, everyone else was still celebrating. They have no idea about Luke. I have to tell Chiron about what happened. But I can't be near Percy right now. I know this is the second time I've walked away from a romantic moment between us, but I just can't focus right now.

I was feeling so many things at once, I was so overwhelmed by everything that just happened. I just can't bring myself to look Percy in the eyes right now and tell him that what I said... was true.

She chose me || Percy Jackson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now