Part 11- I'll just do it later...

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Percy POV

Who knew so much could happen in so little time. I had just spent the last several days on a quest to return something I didn't even steal in the first place. Well, we all made it out alive and were now walking into camp once again. I felt very accomplished but also very nervous. Today would be the first day I'd see Y/n since I... well, you know.

I don't know if she'd even want to see me. I mean, I had taken her first kiss without even realising it. Plus, I was kind of a jerk about Luke. He'd actually been a lot of help at times during my quest. So who knows, maybe he isn't such a bad guy after all. All I know is that I have to apologise to Y/n when I see her, if she'll let me.

Annabeth and Grover went off to go do something some place else, so I walked along the stone paths by myself towards the cabins. Even though I didn't dare look at her, I could feel Clarisse's glare on me like a dagger in the back of my head. If looks could kill, I would've been on the ground 5 minutes ago.

Now that I really look around, it feels like everybody is staring at me. I mean, I can understand why, but it still feels weird.

And then I saw her.

I couldn't see her face because of her hair, but I knew it was her. I know my best friend when I see her. That, and the fact that Luke is standing directly opposite of her, holding onto her waist while smiling down at her. And by the sound of it, she was enjoying herself.

Maybe I shouldn't talk to her about the kiss. Maybe I should just pretend it never happened, and shove my feelings so far down they make my feet ache instead of my heart. Yeah, because that's healthy, Percy. I have to talk to her about it. We need to clear the air. I can't just avoid it and make our friendship awkward for all of eternity because that's not exactly fair to her either.

I'll wait until later, though. She looks... busy. I clenched my fist before letting out a deep breath. I have to keep reminding myself that it's not about how I feel. If she's happy, that's what matters.
I walk past where they are and make my way back to my cabin, mostly to just think, but also to plan. Like, what am I even gonna say to Y/n? It's not like I can just walk up to her and blurt out,'Hey, Y/n, sorry I kissed you. I've just had this massive crush ever since you got with Luke. Because I only realised how much I liked you when I couldn't have you. So yeah, sorry I took your first kiss, even though that's exactly what I wanted to happen in the first place!'

Yeah, no. I definitely can't say that. I don't care if people say honesty is the best policy. That... is just too honest.

A couple of hours passed by, and I had finally figured out the perfect thing to say to Y/n. Now, all I needed was an opportunity to talk to her. Oh, I know, the camp organised to have a campfire tonight in celebration of us completing our quest, I'll just talk to her then.
Speaking of which, it's almost time for that to start. Maybe I'll go out and be there a little early. Y/n normally liked to help set up for them anyway, so she'll probably be there.

I picked up the index card I had written my speech out on, just to practice before I talked to her, and i put it in my back pocket, and I walk out of my cabin. I go over to where some of the campers were helping set up for the campfire. And there she was, looking as beautiful as ever. And she was also surrounded by a bunch of other campers and her siblings, so maybe I'll just talk to her later.

After it got dark, everyone came and sat by the fire as we ate, and talked, and celebrated completing the quest and coming back alive. I looked over at Y/n, who, not surprisingly, had chosen to sit next to her friends from the Athena cabin. They always had the best advice. Gee, I wonder why. The glow from the flames illuminated Y/n's so perfectly. You'd think she was an angel. The orange and yellow light flickering and making her glow in the darkness was almost like being hypnotised. And my mind may have been playing tricks on me, but I could've sworn I caught her looking at me a few times in the past hour.

I decided that now was the time. Everyone was busy with their own conversations, and nobody would notice if we both left for a few minutes. I got up from my seat after putting my plate down, and I walked over to where she was. My stomach felt like it was tying itself up in knots. I was so nervous. What if she calls me a jerk for kissing her and never speaks to me again? What if she told Luke what happened, and I was practically just begging to get punched by going over to her?

But, before my mind could come up with any more what ifs, I was already standing there, within reach of her. She had her back turned, and no one had seemed to notice that I was there, so I reached my shaky hand out, and I tapped her shoulder.

Her hair draped over her shoulders as she turned her head and looked up at me. Gods, she was so pretty...focus, Percy, focus.
"Hey, Y/n, can we-"

And then, there was a hand on my shoulder, but not hers. Her hands stayed exactly where they were. The hand i felt came from behind where I was standing. Then I heard the voice that i least wanted to hear right now. Luke's.

"Hey, Percy! Congrats on the quest. You must feel pretty relieved that you're finally back."

I felt my muscles relax, and i stopped holding my breath. Thank the gods that's what he came over to talk about. And, I could've sworn I saw Y/n shoulders relax the same moment mine did. Like she was just as nervous about Luke's presence. I was about to speak again, but Luke cut me off once more.

"Hey, listen, so, there's something I wanted to show you, take a walk with me. I promise I don't bite."

I hesitated. I wanted to stay and talk to Y/n, but I didn't want Luke to get suspicious of why I wanted to do that. I guess I can just come back and talk to her later. I glanced back at Y/n one last time before turning and following Luke into the woods.

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