Chapter 3

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"Yeah it's going good, I've settled in well" I say on the phone to Tyson. I leave out the part where someone slid a drawing of a tattoo I have on my ass under my front door and disappeared into fucking thin air. He's been calling twice a day, checking in and seeing if I need anything. I appreciate it, but I wish he wouldn't worry so much about me. It's been three days since Davina has been over, and since the creepy incident. I've been trying to shrug it off but it's too weird for me. It was the exact same flower, it's not just any violet flower, it was wilted. I was sadder at seventeen than what I am now and I thought a wilted violet flower would be fitting.

"Good, I'm coming into town next week, how about we grab a coffee or watch a movie? I know you've been moping around that grim house all day" I roll my eyes at his comment and laugh because he's right, I have been. I haven't been into town yet and I make a mental note to get my ass out of this house for a while today. "That sounds nice, I miss you" I say as I pick an invisible lint off of my jean shorts. "Yeah I miss you too kid, see you soon Vi, I love you" he hangs up the phone and I sigh as I mentally prepare myself to head into town, I need a few groceries anyway.

I pull my white Honda civic type R into a parking lot of a local Whole Foods, it was a gift from my father on my eighteenth birthday, I told him that a KIA would of sufficed but he insisted. I finish up my groceries and head back to my car, as I buckle myself in my cellphone chimes twice. I see Davina's name pop up and I unlock my phone and open the message.

Davina : Hey bitch
Davina : Party at Vixen tonight?

Violet : What's Vixen?

Davina : Only the hottest nightclub in Louisiana! Wear something slutty ;)

Violet : I don't know Vina, I'm not really a nightclub kinda girl.

Davina : You need to get drunk, you need to dance, and you need to get yourself some DICK. I won't take no for an answer, I'll be over at 7pm. Kiss kiss!

I roll my eyes and smile as I lock my phone. I pull out of the parking lot and make my way home, I pull into my drive way and start grabbing bags and almost break both of my arms off as I try to carry all the groceries inside in one trip, this is definitely an Olympic sport. I pull my keys out and try to unlock the front door when it creaks open. My brows knit together in confusion, I freeze as I try to not drop my groceries, I locked the door. I know I did. I would never NOT lock my front door. I push the door open hesitantly while I try to steady my breathing. I place the groceries on the ground in the foyer and silently hurry to the kitchen, I rush for my marble knife holder and I grab one, fisting the kitchen knife in my hands so tight until my knuckles turn white.

Someone has been in my house while I was gone. I slowly make my way over to the living room and I stop dead in my tracks at the sight, I lower the knife and my blood runs cold. Ontop of my grey sofa sits a black box with a ribbon on top of it and next to the box lays another piece of paper. I stare at the two objects for a second before approaching them. I pick up the box and undo the ribbon, my trembling fingers battle to open the box but when I finally open it, I find a picture of me. In the shower. With my tattoo on full display. Fear settles into my bones, he's watching me right now, at this moment I can feel his eyes on me but I don't know where they are. I pick up the note, and it reads;

"Did you like my drawing, pretty girl?"

I bare my teeth and I turn on my heel to throw the box and the note into the crackling fireplace. I grab the knife and storm out onto the porch. How dare he? How dare he invade my home, my privacy! "Where are you?! I know you can hear me! Stay the FUCK out of my house and leave me alone before I call the cops" I shout to whoever he is and wherever he is. I walk back inside tossing the knife onto the kitchen counter and I grab a bottle of 1968 whiskey and take a few healthy swigs from the bottle. Fucking asshole.

Davina is sifting through my closet herself because none of my outfit options have been "slutty enough" she pulls out a black spaghetti dress that has a layer of lace on the hem and over the cleavage area. "Now THIS" she says with emphasis on the last word "you can catch something in" she laughs as she throws the garment onto my lap. I scoff as I hold it up "Are we going to a nightclub or am I handing in my application to a brothel?" I say as I quirk a brow at her. Her smile is infectious, she shrugs and motions for me to start getting ready. I put the dress on, put on some extra eyeliner and false lashes, strap on some black heels to match, I've ironed my long black hair pin straight and decided to go for a pop of colour on my lips, I've always been told red lipstick brings out my eyes. I rub some shimmer oil on my legs and my chest, spray two squirts of Chanel No5 and call it done.

After a twenty minute drive we pull up to Vixen, there is a line outside halfway down the street and I sigh at the fact that I shouldn't have worn heels. We park across the street and make our way to the club. "Tonyyy!" Davina shouts in her girlish voice, she's been using that tone to get whatever she wanted since she was 16. "How ya doing girl?" The bouncer hugs Davina and glances at me "And who do we have here?" The bouncer says as he wets his bottom lip and traces my body with his eyes. "Tony, this is Violet, Vi, this is Tony" Davina says while waving her hand over at me "Nice to meet you, princess" he says as he unbuckles the red rope to let us in and everyone in the line starts hollering. "Settle down yall! Or none of ya asses will get into this joint" Tony says.

We walk into the club and "under the influence" by Chris Brown is playing. "Why didn't we have to wait in line?" I ask Davina as I intwine my arm in hers. "Tony is a friend" she says while looking at me with a mischievous smile. "Davina Stirling, are you fucking the bouncer?" I ask her and she smiles and we both bellow out with racks of laughter. We walk over to the bar and order two G&T's with two slices of lemon each, Davina grabs my hand and pulls me to the dance floor where neon lights and fog are surrounding us. We dance for what feels like hours, after our 5th drink I start closing my eyes and just let the music take me away. Davina laughs and puts her hands on my hips and starts motioning me to the music, I giggle but stop as soon as I feel another pair of hands on me. I look up to see a man with a crisp white shirt and olive skin with sun kissed blonde hair and emerald green eyes looking down at me. Davina smiles and winks at me as she leaves us and makes her way to the bar.

His hands are caressing my body and he is undressing me with his eyes, I'm not sure if it's because I haven't had sex in so long or if it's the constant supply of G&Ts and shots Davina keeps feeding me but.. I'm not mad at it. So I decide to lean into the situation. "What's your name baby?" He asks me. I put on my sweetest smile and bat my eyes at him while guiding his hands to my hips. "It's Violet, what's yours?" I toy with his silver humming bird pendant around his neck and twirl it in my fingers while tugging him closer by it. He grips my waist tighter and wets his bottom lip with his tongue. "It's Evan" he says against my ear while breathing into my neck. The motion gives me goosebumps make my eyes flutter. "And you, Violet, are looking good enough to eat right now"

I smile and lean into him, he cups my breast and slides his thumb over my nipple which sends shockwaves through my entire body. I feel a tinging between my legs and I can't help but slightly rubbing my thighs together at the pooling wetness between them. The club is dark and the fog is surrounding us so nobody pays attention to us in our little bubble. I let a small whimper escape my lips as I close my eyes and feel his mouth on mine. In the distance, glass starts breaking and people are screaming, the music stops and we tear our lips away from each other and look over at the commotion to see that there's a fire that broke out. Both of us look at each other with wide eyes and I hear Davina screaming my name "VIOLET!! WE GOTTA GO!! C'MON!!" she pushes her way through a panicking crowd of people to get to me. The fire is spreading and making its way toward the bar. I grab Davina's hand as we fight our way through the crowd of people who are all scurrying to get out. We see Tony through the crowd and he has sweat dripping off his bald head and is screaming to everyone to get out "THIS PLACE IS GONNA BLOW FOLKS!! GET OUT!!!"

I look behind me for a split sending and I see a man about 6'4 wearing a black hoodie with his hands in its pockets. I can't see his face but.. he's looking at me. He's staring right at me. His stillness in the chaos is terrifying, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up my legs can't hold themselves as I see him smirk at me faintly.

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