Chapter 13

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"How are you feeling?" Roman asks as he sits on the foot of the bed. "Like shit" I say while fiddling with the sheets. "Why didn't you take me home?" I look at him and say. "You had a concussion Violet, you sprained your wrist and you had a gash on your leg." I knit my brows in confusion as I pull back the sheets to look at it. I see a wound that has been stitched up, I notice that I wasn't in my clothing and I immediately look up at him. "Don't worry, Alice changed you, we had to, your clothing was covered in blood." I nod my head while looking out the window. "Fuck you, but thank you." I say as I shift my eyes over to him. Roman chuckles while looking into his lap. "Hungry?" He asks "Straving." I huff with a laugh. He nods his head towards the buzzer and tells me to press it, and I do. A bell sounds faintly throughout the house and I hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

A knock sounds at the door and Alice pops her head in. "Yes, Mrs SinClaire?" She says sweetly and attentively. Roman looks at her and says "Prepare a steak for Violet, with some shrimp and greek salad, she'll have a slice of cheesecake too." I look at him with raised brows "Uhm- a sandwich will do, don't trouble yourself please." Alice shifts her eyes nervously at Roman and he shakes his head at her with a smile. Alice walks out and shuts the door behind her and I hear her walk down the stairs. "What happened that night baby?" He says as he motions closer. I'll let him call me that just because he saved my life. "I-I was in an accident, I was on my way home from having drinks with Davina and I collided with another car.. and mine.. flipped." I stare at the sheets and my head pops up. "What?" Roman says in a confused tone. "There was another car.. it followed me for about three miles. I didn't think much of it." Romans face falls as he says in a voice laced with ice and stone "Someone was following you?" Maybe the car was just taking the same route as me, "I-I can't be sure, but.. wait, the same car was parked outside of the bar." I say in a thinking out loud manner, I trail my eyes down and see that he is grabbing the edge of the bed and his knuckles are snow white. "I had a few drinks and was driving fine, the car.. it.. purposely hit me" I say with my brows crossed, not understanding. Alice knocks at the door and walks in with a tray in her hand, steak and shrimp with a greek salad and the biggest slice of cheesecake I've ever seen is put in front of me. A glass of water and orange juice is put down on the nightstand. "These are to be taken twice a day, after every meal dear, please do not forget about them." She says as she hands me a bottle of painkillers. "Thank you Alice" I smile a real smile at her. She's warm, and kind, and feels like sunlight. She nods and walks out the room. Roman takes my tray from me and picks up the utensils before cutting up my steak. "I can cut my own meat, y'know, I'm not disabled" I say as I cross my arms. "I know" Roman says as he steals a piece of steak off my plate before putting the tray back in front of me before he stands up. "My office is right across the hall if you need me, for anything" he winks with a sly smile on his face as he walks towards the door. "The buzzer is just fine." I say as I put a piece of steak into my mouth.

I'm glad I didn't get the sandwich. That was the best meal I've had in months, I make a mental note to thank Alice again. I get out of bed and look at my leg, it seems to be healing nicely. I look around the room and notice an en-suite bathroom, I sigh in relief and I start undressing. I hop into the shower and let the water run over me, I lather my hair with shampoo and I'm extra careful around my stitches while washing my body. I rinse my hair and myself before grabbing a towel from the rack and cover myself. I throw my head back "fuuuck" I say, I don't have any clothing. I walk towards the buzzer and I press it, the door opens and Roman walks in instead of Alice. I jump slightly and tighten my hands on the towel upon seeing him, "Needy much?" He says while his eyes start tracing my body. "I don't have any clothes" I say. "Correct." He says with a wicked smile on his face, this asshole is playing with me again. "Well??" I look at him sharply. "I need some." He laughs as he looks at the floor. "Clothing is not a necessity pretty girl. But sure" he motions me to follow him and we walk down the hall about four doors down and into a bedroom. His bedroom. It smells like oak and bourbon. The bed is sitting under two massive french style windows with black bedding and warm glowing lights on either side. Roman walks towards his wardrobe and starts sifting through his clothing, he pulls out a T shirt and hands it to me. I hold it up and inspect it and I cross my arms while looking at him with a frown. "What?" He says through a laugh. "Slut magnet?" I say, reading the words on the black T shirt. "It's old, I was much smaller when it actually fit me, and it's the only thing that might fit you." He shrugs. I sigh and hold the shirt in my arms as I say "Underwear." He walks closer to me, wets his bottom lip and puts his hand on the base of my neck while looking down at me "No, please." He says in a low voice. I feel butterflies in my stomach as he says the words. He's asking me to not wear underwear? I clear my throat, "Now." I say in a shaky voice.

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