Chapter 20

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The door flys open and Roman walks in carrying a heavy rifle. My heart squeezes and I want to get up and hold him, a small whimper of relief leaves my lips as I say "Baby!" without hesitation he shoots the masked man in the knee, making him collapse as he lands on his injured knee. He rushes towards me and shoots the chain in between my feet and cuts the cable ties keeping my hands bound. He immediately grabs my face and searches my eyes, he's breathing is rapid and his eyes are filled with concern and rage. "You're hurt" he says and his voice cracks on the last word. He scoops me up into his arms and I wrap my arms around his neck, he kisses my face about eight times before I slide down his body and he motions for me to stand in the corner.

He kisses my lips and then my forehead before saying "I'm never leaving you again, I'm so sorry baby." His face is filled with pain and anger and I can't help but let a few tears run down my cheeks while nodding. Roman turns around and I swear to God, the energy in the room changes. It's harder to breathe, it's deathly silent and his footsteps toward the masked man sound like thunder. My heart is racing and I know the masked man is going to die, not me, Roman is going to kill him, and I'll happily watch. The man on the floor is clutching his leg and trying to move away from Roman, only to be cornered with nowhere left to go. "I was hoping we'd run into each other soon. You have some explaining to do." Roman says while cocking his head to the side and holding his weapon infront of him. "You dare come into my home, and take my wife from me, you've put your hands on her." Roman turns to me and says "Baby would you care to explain to this piece of shit what happened to the last man who put his hands on you?" I look at Roman and say "You pinned him to the forest floor and slit his throat." My voice is filled with anger and steel, my eyes are on the masked man and I can sense the panic in his body language. "Yeah, quite proud of that actually." Roman says with enthusiasm and a psychotic grin, "Now imagine what I'm going to do to you for trying to take my woman from me. Nobody will ever take her from me." My body stills and I look at Roman.. this man.. loves me. "Now" Roman says with a clap of his hands as he walks closer to the man on the floor. He drags the masked man my way by his black hoodie, and drops him infront of my feet. Roman reaches for his mask and rips it off of his face and my blood runs cold, I turn around and I vomit in the corner of the room before breaking out into a sob. Tyson. "Tell her." Roman says whole holding his rifle to my brothers head. "Tell me what?!" I cry. "Why?! Why did you do this to me?!" I scream. "You have exactly sixty seconds to explain yourself to her before I blow your brains out Tyson." Roman says while cocking his weapon.

"I-Vi-" Tyson stutters, "53 seconds" Roman taunts. "It-It was me. I stole the two million." My heart is breaking, and tears are running down my face without my permission or my knowledge. Why has he done this to me? "Tell her everything, you piece of shit." Roman screams at him. "M-Mom and dad.. I did that too. I ran them off the road." I feel my face morph into an image of stone, my heart beat steadies and deadly rage takes over me. I have to will my hands to stay by my side and not send them into his face. "Why." I say in an unnerving calm tone, even to me. "He had life insurance out on them baby" Roman answers for my brother. I take a step closer to Tyson and I slap him across the face, my hands form into fits as I continue hitting him. "You" punch "Murdered" punch "My" punch "Parents" punch. Roman grabs my hands and pushes me backwards, my brothers blood is coating my hands and it's sprayed onto my face. "YOU MURDERED MY PARENTS FOR MONEY!!" I scream at Tyson, spit flying from my mouth. He chuckles while blood is pouring from his nose and his mouth, he spits four of his teeth out and tries to sit up. "And you would have been next, you little fucking bitch." He says, Roman turns around and shoots him in his other leg, Tyson screams in pain and clutches his leg. "Y-You... you were in the car. Weren't you? You were the one who ran me off the road.. you tried to KILL ME!!" I scream the last two words. "Why?" I say through a heaving chest and eyes full of tears. "Why would you do this?" I cry. "They left you everything, they left you the money, and you didn't deserve it. I took life insurance from out on them, and killed the fuckers. Legally from that day on I became your guardian, so I got rich off of their deaths and the money I stole from you. I took life insurance out on you too, you were supposed to die in that accident. I would have been richer. You always have to fucking ruin everything Vi, you know that? Ever since you were little. Always, in, the, fucking, way." I walk towards Roman and without hesitation I grab his rifle and I shoot my brother in the head. He falls backwards and a loud thump rings in the room, I toss the rifle on the floor and I walk towards him, I see his lifeless eyes staring at the ceiling and I spit on his face. Piece of shit. I wipe my face with the back of my hand, not caring about wiping the blood on my face. I turn to Roman and say "Take me home." He looks at me with love in his eyes, he cups my face and kisses my lips as he says "I love you"

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