Chapter 10

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I walk round the Church looking for Davina, we arrived at the ball thirty minutes ago and the girl has already disappeared. I keep my eyes peeled for the preachers son, he would be my Davina beacon. I grab a glass of champagne off of a tray from a passing waiter as I inspect my surroundings, the decor team really outdid themselves. There are candles everywhere, a massive glowing chandelier and violins playing, everyone is dressed like they just stepped out of a fantasy book. I fluff the skirt of my emerald green dress, feeling like I might have been underdressed. The top of my grown is corset styled, and my skirt is made from a silk material that has a thigh high slit on the right side. The chiffon sleeves fall off my shoulders and connect to my middle finger. I down the rest of my glass and try to push the insecurities from my mind, I spot Davina with the preachers son standing by the foot of the stairs, laughing and flirting. I roll my eyes and smile. I start approaching her, just as I make my way through the crowd a man with ginger hair and pale skin pops up infront of me.

"Hi" he says with a smile on his face. "Hello" I return the friendly gesture. He holds out his hand as a motion to invite me to the dance floor. I let out a soft sigh and smile sympathetically at him and say "thank you, but, I don't really dance" he laughs and takes my hand as he says "there's no such thing." He spins me as I screech and he pulls me towards him. The violinists are playing a slow song, everyone around us are dancing romantically and I clear my throat as I look at him. "What's your name?" I ask him. "It's Jackson, and you're Violet." I tilt my head in surprise at him and he laughs. "I overheard you talking to the pastor, I saw him coming your way before I asked you to dance and I thought I'd save you. You're welcome" he says with a shrug of his shoulders and a playful smile. I laugh a real laugh and I say "Thank you, you're oh so brave, saving a damsel in distress." He spins me and grabs my hand and my waist as we dance. He rolls his eyes and smiles, he's sweet. "So, what's your story Violet? It's been a while since we had a fresh face in this town." As I'm about to speak, the tempo of the violins and the piano picks up, indicating for us to change partners. I feel another pair of hands grab me and look up to see crystal blue eyes behind a white mask. My eyes go wide as I try and pull away, he tugs me closer and says "Relax pretty girl, people are watching." I still as I look around, he pulls me in closer by my waist and intertwines his gloved fingers with mine. He leans closer and towards my ear, his breath brushes against my neck and the feeling gives me goosebumps. "You look breathtaking tonight baby" he says against my ear.

His hands on me are possessive, his grip is tight, the way he holds my body is as if he has memorised my curves, like he's explored them in another lifetime. "What do you want?" I say in a whisper. "We've been through this before, you already know the answer." He looks into my eyes and trails his hands around my corset. "That's bullshit." I seethe. He lets out a gritty chuckle as he runs his gloved thumb over my bottom lip. "I'm sure that filthy mouth has gotten you your fair share of spankings as a child." I pull my chin away and I narrow my eyes at him as I say "I've never been spanked in my life, thank you very much." He gives me a one sided smirk and says "I plan to change that." I still as I look around the room for Davina. I see her walking hand in hand with the preachers son up the stairs and I let out a sigh. Really Davina? The preachers son? In a church? She's definitely going to hell, I might as well join her.

"So? So what is it? You wanna fuck me?" I say to the man dancing with me. "You wanna take me home and give me my first spanking and then fuck me and send me home in a cab after?" I say to him with steel in my voice. He looks at my lips as he wets his with his tongue. "I don't want to fuck you Violet. I want to ruin you. I want to claim you. And I definitely won't be sending you home in a cab afterwards." The force of his words hit me like a lightning bolt. I stare at him with a head empty of thoughts. "Walk with me" he says. I'm about to say no when I see the pastor approaching us. "Fine." I say sharply. He puts his hand on my waist and guides me through the crowd of people and through the double wooden church doors and into the rose garden. He picks a white rose and gives it to me, I take the rose and toss it onto the floor. "You're not allowed to pick those" I say a flat tone. He smiles and looks at me, his lustful eyes trace my face, he suddenly grabs my throat and pushes me against a vine riddled rose wall. I wince at the little pricks from the thorns, I will my face into an image of steel as I say "Let. Go." He leans in and grazes his lips with mine as he says "Make me." My skin is on fire and my hard nipples are grazing against the material of my gown, I feel wetness starting to build in between my legs. I thrash against him and claw at his suit jacket, he grips my ass and pulls me closer to him and I let out a whimper at the feeling of his hard cock against me.

"I'm going to fuck that pretty mouth of yours" he says in a devilish tone. "No, you're not." I say matter of factly. Something sparks in his eyes the moment the words leave my mouth, next thing I know, I'm forced to my knees with his one hand gripped at my scalp, and his free hand undoing his belt buckle. He proceeds to tie his belt around my wrists behind my back and he hunches down to my hight in front of me. "My name is Roman. Remember that when you want to scream it later." He stands up and pushes his dick into my mouth, I breathe in through my nose as my eyes widen. He grips my hair at the scalp and starts motioning himself in and out of my mouth "Fuuuck baby" he whispers while looking down at me through hooded eyes. I start fidgeting my arms to get my wrists loose but his belt is secured tightly around my wrists. "Don't be afraid, open your throat pretty girl" he starts fucking my mouth faster and deeper as he throws his head back and lets out a moan. My eyes start to tear and I can feel spit dripping down my chin, I continue taking short breaths through my nose as he grips my throat and pushes his hard cock deeper down it. This is wrong. This isn't right. I'm wet. I can feel myself getting wetter as he looks down at me with parted lips and says "you look so good with my cock in your mouth, you love it don't you?" He says as he wipes a tear away from my face with his thumb. I moan around his cock and I close my eyes as I wrap my lips around it properly. I'm going to hell anyway, and I'm horny. "Gooood giiirlll" he coos.

 "Gooood giiirlll" he coos

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