Chapter 8

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The Watcher

I pull into my driveway and I park my motorcycle, I push the foot peg down and hop off. I take off my helmet and walk through my front door and I'm greeted by Victor, my head of house. "Did you have a good ride, Mr Waters?" Victors says. He stands in my entry way, wearing his formal, but casual in his opinion, blue buttoned up shirt and charcoal slacks. I eye him and grab the glass of bourbon sitting on the tray he's holding and gulp it down in one swig. "Any news from Miami?" I ask while wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. "No sir, our intel has found nothing new" he says. I put the glass back onto the tray and I grab the back of my collar and tug off my black crew neck shirt. "I'm going for a swim Vic, I'm working tonight so tell Alice not to worry over dinner for me, see to yourselves." I say as I make my way to the back of the house and through the floor-to-ceiling  glass doors toward the swimming pool. I need to cool the fuck down. "Y-yes sir" Victor says.

I had no intention of putting my hands on her tonight. I simply wanted to leave her a gift, but when I walked through her bedroom door and noticed steam pouring from the on suite bathroom, I walked closer and saw that the bathroom door was cracked open and her hand was on her pussy. It was at that exact moment that my plans went to shit. Seeing the water dripping from her lips, how her eyes closed and how her head fell back while chasing her release, I knew I needed to have her. I kept her legs unbound to see how desperately she wanted to get away, she could of kicked me in the face and broken my jaw, her wrists were restrained tightly but not impossible to get out of. She could have gotten free, but she didn't, interesting. My pretty girl likes the game it seems. Recalling the memories immediately makes my dick hard and I clench my jaw and exhale through my nose. I think of the taste of her and how she was a whimpering mess, just as I push down on my throbbing cock, Victor walks out and says "Telephone for you sir, it's Mr Dimitri" while handing me a towel. I roll my eyes and get out of the swimming pool and rub it over my head as I stroll inside to take the call. "What?" I say in a flat tone.

"Mr Waters, I expect we are all set for this evening? $750,000 has been wired to your account, I expect to receive confirmation when it's done" he says. "Whatever you want, princess" I say and hang up the phone. I'm hired help. A professional assassin, highly paid I might add. Dimitri and his cousins run a drug cartel and have hired me to compromise their competition. There are two targets, Mario Geovani and his son Gabriel. Light work. I sleep pretty well at night despite my career path, in the beginning I would wake up in the middle of the night and empty my stomach into the toilet for two weeks straight. Overtime it got easier, I felt less and took even less to heart. I pull up my cellphone and I start moving my fingers across the keyboard as a type out a text.

Unknown number: I loved feeling you around my fingers, I love the taste of you. I can't wait until I feel your pussy wrapped around my cock.

I smile as I hit send, that should get her going. I pull up my home camera app and click on a streaming video. By the way, this isn't my home camera, it's Violets. I placed a camera in her living room one night while she was over at Davina's house. I watch as she opens the text and how she gets off of her sofa and frantically looks out of her window before shutting her curtains. She paces back and forth and mumbles to herself out of anger. She's adorable. I don't miss how she sits back down and puts her hand on her chest and works it up as she lightly holds the base of her neck. Just as I had expected. Horny little thing.

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