Chapter three:The truck

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The peacefulness of sleep was cruelly ripped from Kia when the train came to a sudden stop, the end of movement sent the unsuspecting Kia launching forward, and Kia quickly tried to compose herself

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The peacefulness of sleep was cruelly ripped from Kia when the train came to a sudden stop, the end of movement sent the unsuspecting Kia launching forward, and Kia quickly tried to compose herself.

"Why have we stopped?"Kia asked as she pushed herself into a seated position.

"I think we're in the Capitol"Otto responded.

Otto's response was quickly confirmed when loud shouts from outside were heard.

"Everybody out!"The voice of what Kia assumed was a Peacekeeper was heard.

The door of their cart was pulled open, and Coral was the first to step out of their cart, she walked with the confidence Kia wished she had, and Mizzen quickly followed her.

Kia was the first of the District Six tributes to approach the exit when Kia stood on the edge the sudden influx of light temporarily blinded her, she pulled her hand up to shield her face from the sun.

"Down now!"A peacekeeper shouted at Kia annoyed at how long she was taking.

Kia jumped down and landed on the platform she walked a little bit forward before turning around and watching for Otto, as Kia waited she looked around the station she could tell she was in the Capitol now.

The station platform was much cleaner and pristine than the one back in Six, Kia was dragged out of her thoughts by the approaching Otto, and he walked over with a casual smile on his face. The two District Six tributes walk over to where Coral and Mizzen are standing none of the tributes knowing what they should do.

As Kia tries to figure out what to do, someone catches her eye she sees a boy a couple of years older than her with bright blonde hair and wearing what Kia would guess was a uniform of some sort, he was also hiding a white rose in his hand.

"Why would a capitol boy bring someone from the Districts a rose"Kia thought to herself.

Kia nudges Otto with her elbow he looks at her confused before he spots the boy and he alerts Coral and Mizzen.

Mizzen walks over to stand by Kia pushing past Otto in the process.

"Who's that?"Mizzen asks a curious smile on his face.

"No idea"Kia responds.

Before anyone can figure out who he is, the group of tributes are ushered down the platform by some peacekeepers who have their guns set on the tributes, Kia walks down the platform casually. The tributes are taken off the platform and into a small alleyway where a small truck is waiting for them with the back door already open.

Kia catches a glimpse of the inside of the truck as she walks towards it and sees there are two benches against either wall and that's it. Some of the tributes are already in there when Kia and Otto are shoved inside, Kia sits down on the bench with Mizzen on one side of her and What Kia believes is the District 11 girl on the other side of her.

From inside the truck Kia watches as the boy from District 8 makes a run for it, the Peacekeepers are occupied something Kia didn't expect to happen as the boy with the rose jumps into the truck, before questions can be asked the boy from 8 is thrown back into the truck and the door is slammed shut.

The Boy looked around the truck seeming to realise the trouble he had got himself into.

"Hi."The boy with the rose says.

"What's the matter, pretty boy? You in the wrong cage?"The boy from 11 who Kia believes is called Reaper asks.

The Capitol boy looks around at the tributes. "No. This cage is delightful"The boy tells him.

Kia mentally facepalms how stupid could this boy be.

This sets off Reaper as he storms towards the Capitol boy and slams him against the wall of the truck.

"Get him, Reaper"The boy from 8 says with anger in his voice.

Reaper looks at the Capitol boy angrily. "I will kill you right now,"Reaper tells the boy aggressively.

"He'll do it too. Reaper killed a Peacekeeper back in 11"The girl next to Kia tells the group confirming Kia's suspicion that she is form 11 as well.

"Quiet, Dill," Reaper tells the girl from his district.

"I say we all kill him"The boy from 8 pipes up again.

"I'm in"A girl who Kia guesses is from 10 by the outfit she is wearing.

Kia stands up. "Nothing left to lose now,"Kia says with aggression in her voice.

The whole truck goes quiet for a moment nobody making a move.

"Y'all got family back home? They'll kill them if you hurt him and then you, besides he's my mentor. I might need him"A tribute in a rainbow dress tells them.

"How come you get a mendor?"Kia aks confused.

"Mentor!"the capitol boy shouts with desperation in his voice. "You all get one"He continues.

Coral scoffs and stands up. "Oh, and we'll just trust you on that? Right?"Coral asks with a small laugh.

"I'm just here to help you."The boy says desperately.

"Why does rainbow girl here get special treatment, hmm?"Coral continues with a look of anger on her face.

Coral then walks over and leans forward so she is face-to-face with the rainbow girl.

"Why aren't our menders here?"Coral asks.

The rainbow girl simply smiles at Coral. "Just not inspired, I guess"The rainbow girl says casually.

Before something can happen a loud beeping sound is heard in the truck, the tributes look around confused, and soon the truck begins to tip Kia who is still standing up falls backwards, Otto attempts to grab his district partner.

The boy with the rose grabs hold of the girl in the rainbow dress and then yells about holding on but this information comes too late as the doors below them opens and all the tributes fall out of the truck, their bodies colliding with one another.

After a few seconds, Kia slowly sits up and looks around and sees where she is.

A Freaking Zoo!

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