Chapter Eight:Injuries and bonding

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Kia woke up abruptly, Pain erupted through her body as she sat up suddenly, the world around her began to spin and her chest began to tighten, she couldn't breathe

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Kia woke up abruptly, Pain erupted through her body as she sat up suddenly, the world around her began to spin and her chest began to tighten, she couldn't breathe. Kia closed her eyes she allowed the world around her to disappear as she focused on her breathing,

In and out, In and out, just like her father had taught her.

Slowly the tightness in her chest began to disperse and Kia slowly opened her eyes, she saw she was back in the Monkey cage.

why was she back here? what happened? The explosion? Otto?

A thousand questions exploded inside her brain, the panic began to build in her chest when a familiar face appeared before her.

"Thank god Kia"Otto's voice cried out, desperation in his voice.

Kia immediately launched herself into Otto, holding the older boy tightly.

Otto and Kia stayed like that for a few seconds relieved that they were both okay, Kia then pulled away.

"What happened?"Kia asked her voice coming out horse and rough from the lack of water.

Otto hands Kia a cup of water, and Kia quickly drinks the cold liquid smoothing her throat. "a bunch of explosions, from what they're saying it was rebels"Otto tells the injured girl.

"Bullshit"Kia says, she hands the empty cup back to Otto, noticing the cuts, bruises, soot, and dirt all over the older boy's face.

Kia begins to examine herself, she looks down and sees both her arms are bandaged and she then feels the plaster on her forehead.

"The vet says you got lucky, your arms were burned pretty badly,"Otto tells Kia.

Kia looks at the older boy confused, fiddling with the plaster.

"We didn't get given a doctor, we got a vet,"Otto tells her casually.

Kia is not surprised by this, the Capitol doesn't view them as human so why would they give them a proper doctor?.

"Did anyone die?"Kia asks.

Otto looks down. "Sheaf and Plano from Nine died as a result of the explosion, and Velvereen and Facet from One and Sabyn from Two were killed trying to escape"Otto tells her.

Kia looks down, more tributes where dead, and more lives are cut short.

"Anything else?"Kia asks.

Otto thinks to himself. "I don't think so"Otto tells her.

The pair from Six fall into a peaceful silence just thinking about how lucky they are.

Half an hour later and kia was discharged by the vet and allowed to join the uninjured Tributes, Kia pulled open the makeshift privacy curtain and walked into the main area of the Monkey cage, she immediately felt someone hurl themselves into her, she quickly realized the person is Mizzen his fisherman hat been smooshed into her face.

"I'm glad you're okay, "The boy tells her.

Kia smiles. "Yeah, me too,"Kia tells Mizzen.

Kia hears footsteps walk up to the two young tributes. "Be careful with her Mizzen she's already injured enough"The voice of Coral says with a small smile on her face.

The two thirteen-year-olds pull apart from one another and Mizzen turns to look at Coral and gives her an annoyed look. "I am being careful,"Mizzen tells the older girl.

Kia laughs. "It's okay Coral, I'm okay, some burns and some cuts a bruises but still breathing for now,"Kia tells her with a smile.

Coral places a hand on the younger girl's shoulder and squeezes gently. "Stay by Mizzen for a minute, yeah, he's been very worried about you,"Coral tells her.

Kia looks over at Mizzen whose cheeks have gone bright red and he's trying to hide his embarrassment at what Coral said, the two then make eye contact and she looks into his sweet chocolate brown eyes and begins to feel butterflies in her stomach begin to rise.

Kia smiles at Coral before walking over to where Mizzen is standing. "I hear you were worried about me"Kia says with a mischievous smile.

Mizzen looks down at his feet. "I wasn't worried, Coral was exaggerating, I was just hoping you'd be okay,"Mizzen tells her slowly looking up from his feet and into Kia's sea-blue eyes.

Kia walks closer to him. "Well, I appreciate the concern,"Kia tells him before kissing him on the cheek, Mizzen's face immediately turns bright red again and a nervous smile appears on his face.

Mizzen stutters and mumbles trying to produce words but his tongue betrays him.

"I think I hear Coral calling me, I've gotta go by Kia,"Mizzen says quickly.

Kia looks confused. "I didn't hear anything,"Kia tells the boy.

"she did, she did, I gotta go"Mizzen continues to ramble as he walks away quickly.

Kia smiles to herself as he walks away, Kia begins to think that Mizzen is quite cute, he has beautiful brown eyes and a nice smile.

"Awww, Kia has a crush,"Otto's voice says interrupting Kia's thoughts.

Kia turns around and gives Otto the middle finger with a snarky smile on her face. Otto holds his hands up in mock surrender. "I was just saying what I see, so do you like him?"Otto asks with a bright smile on his face.

Kia sighs and fiddles with the bandages on her hands. "I don't know, he's kinda cute but what's the point we're all gonna be dead in a few days so what's the point is trying anything"Kia tells her district partner honestly.

"Think about this, emitting your feelings for Mizzen is the biggest fuck you, you can give to the Capitol, you always said you didn't want them to control you or your life, so don't let them,"Otto tells her with a large smile.

Kia thinks about it for a moment, Otto is right this can be Kia's small rebellion, she might die in a couple of days but at least she would have been truly honest with herself.

"So what do you say?"Otto asks.

Kia looks at him with a confident smile. "I say fuck them,"Kia says proudly before walking away from Otto and straight over to where Mizzen is sitting quietly, he stands up when he sees Kia approaching.

"Kia I-, um,"Mizzen says nervously.

Kia stands in front of the thirteen-year-old with a confident look on her face. "I just want to tell you I like you, I think you're cute and I just wanted you to know that,"Kia tells him with a smile on her face before beginning to walk away.

Mizzen quickly grabs hold of her arm, causing Kia to turn back to look at him and Mizzen takes hold of her face and kisses her gently on the lips, and then pulls away. "I like you too,"Mizzen tells her.

Kia smiles at him. "I really can't tell,"Kia tells him with a goofy smile on her face.

The two young lovers then sit down together hand and hand just smiling at each other happily.

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