02 | to: november

58 8 22

In the morning, after she's cried a year's worth of tears in the span of about ten or so hours, her mom hits her with more bad news.

"We're being fumigated."

November, having forgotten to add water to her hot chocolate, chugs hot chocolate powder and starts coughing.

"What? Us? Now?" The questions pour out when she's done coughing.


"When were you going to tell me this?"

"Tonight," her father supplies, playing with the TV remote, his eyes remaining downcast. "Hey, you don't have to sit on the floor."

She slowly turns from her mother—sprawled out on the couch—to her father, trying his best to relax in his chair. Either this is recent news to him as well, or he's getting uncomfortable with the fact that there may be creatures of unknown size in their very home. She raises an eyebrow in a 'what other choice do I have?' motion before finding a pillow to sit on.

"Okay, and where are we going? Why haven't we left earlier?" She has so many questions, but for now, she's super itchy.

"Up until last night"—her mother speaks with a clipped tone—"we were hoping to stay at the Reynolds-Somber's house. That doesn't seem to be happening anymore."

"I'm sorry," November mumbles into the pillow below her.

"You're lucky Cameron is incredibly forgiving."

"I know."

She scratches an itch on her shoulder with one (almost impossibly) perfectly painted teal nail. "Maybe she'll forgive you."

"Why did you let me go out last night?" She blurts. "I thought I was grounded."

Her mother seems surprised at the question. "Did I not tell you you're not grounded anymore?"

I was hoping for an answer to the first question. That's why I asked it first.


"Well, you're not grounded. And you were having a bad day; I wanted to help you. It's your birthday. You're seventeen."


"Look, we have some friends we can stay with if Cameron's house doesn't work out, but they're not exactly...welcoming to kids. Do you have any other friends you could stay with?"

"I don't..." She has four options, but their home lives vary wildly. "I'll see."

Option 1: Ainsley Nicks

"That depends, and my mom wants to know how long the fumigation will take."

November can picture Ainsley clearly: she's in her bubblegum pink t-shirt ($2.25 at a yard sale at the library, circa 2018) with her dark grey Roots sweatshirt (formerly November's, who got it from Jessie, who found it at a thrift store), and ripped jeans (pair #7.) She's pacing, and likely balancing Cosmo on her shoulder.

"Yeah," November—who isn't exactly listening—replies.

Cosmo cries, and she suspects he got his long, fluffy tail stuck in one thing or another.

"Oh, you poor kitty," Ainsley coos. November hears a harrumph come from him. "Yeah, Nove, you didn't answer me."


"My mom wants—"

"My parents don't know how long it's going to take," November interrupts, suddenly remembering what she had asked in the first place.

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