This Is Why The 501st Aren't Trusted!

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"Do any of you want to explain how you all ended up in the Coruscant Guard Cells?" 

Rex looked up at Cody's voice, the marshall commander not exactly thrilled to be called at the harsh hours of the early mornings to bail out the 501st plus three smirking Jedi. 

"Can we explain later when we are out of here?" Fives whined only to be glared at. 

"Cody, my dear. It was all a simple misunderstanding, now please open the cell" 

"No, I am half tempted to leave you all here to suffer with what you have done because the last thing I need is General Plo Koon on my back due to you attacking his pups. So will someone explain what the hell happened?" Cody's tone was nothing but cold and furious. 

Rex looked around the room at the other familiar faces as he sighed. Those included Anakin, Obi-wan, Ahsoka, Fives, Echo, Hardcase, and Jesse. The medic of the group was nowhere in sight but Cody knew Kix was equally furious. 

"Fine" Rex said, speaking in a narrating tone as he spoke about what happened in the later hours of yesterday night. 


It was another win for the 501st who had teamed up with the Wolfpack in taking down several droids that had cornered the Wolfpack when they hadn't noticed. Thankfully the 501st came and saved the day. So to celebrate they found themselves at 79s with their Jedi partners. Obi-wan even joined Anakin and Ahsoka knowing the 212th were on leave as well. Plus on top of that Plo Koon had taken Commander Wolffe to the medical bay after he had suffered a nasty shot to the head. The commander was lucky to be alive but Plo Koon wasn't leaving his side meaning the Wolfpack weren't exactly being watched and when that happened fights broke out. 

So the 501st wasn't exactly surprised when Sargent Boost challenged Arc trooper Fives to a drinking game and although advised not to, Fives never listened so he did. About eleven shots down, Echo told Fives to stop which led to this. 

"Ah, look at that, boys. The clone needs his mother to tell him what to do" Boost laughed with some of the Wolfpack, Comet and Sinker watched worried beside the door, the two watching the Wolfpack with weary looks.

"Fives, walk away" Rex warned, just as Echo shrunk in on himself at the next comment. 

"Hey aren't you the one who reads from the rule book. Tell me what's rule number 72 mean?" 

"Well it means…" Echo was interrupted by laughter which only had Fives glaring. 

"So gullible, no wonder the 501st took you in. They are nothing but hero's to the republic when in reality they are just a bunch of losers, at least with you joining, you fit right in…" Boost laughed with the Wolfpack surrounding him. 

By this time Rex and Hardcase had got up trying to separate or stop the wild look in Fives eyes. 

"Tell me droid, what is rule number 72 again, argh!" Boost was interrupted by a fist slamming into his face. When he turned to see his attacker he saw a furious Fives. 

"Don't you dare call him that! You hear me!" 

"I heard you, loser, no need to scream, pathetic, who would even take you in?" Boost smirked watching the agitation on the 501st faces. 

"Ones who have enough care in the world and don't act like wild dogs when they don't get their way" Jesse's sentence definitely shocked his brothers who all grinned while Boost looked angrily at the lieutenant. 

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