Big Brother

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The 501st group pressed on fighting back waves and waves of droids. They were only a small group due to teaming up with the ghost company who had been originally trapped on the planet and the 501st had gone in to save them. 


Anakin turned to see his padawan struggling, he moved quickly to help her. Ahsoka stumbled to her knees only to find a blaster aimed at her skull. She gasped in fear only for the droid to be kicked aside by a certain commander. 

"Thanks Cody" 

"No problem, just keep your head down Soka" 

"Not on the battlefield" Ahsoka blushed at the one who had become a big brother to her. Cody smirked under his helmet helping her to cover where a worried Rex was, the captain thanked the commander who moved back over to Obi-wan's side. Anakin grinned nodding at his master with thanks, Obi-wan could only smile. 

"Boys I have a plan" 

Groans echoed around the blaster bullets. 

"Come on it's not that bad" 

"Anakin, just spit it out" Obi-wan shouted, pulling Boil out of range of a tank which had them all on edge. 

"We flank them. One team leads by being the bait while the other flanks them. Personally I would like Cody and Rex to remain with Ahsoka but I can take the arc twins and Obi-wan with me" Anakin explained, Obi-wan nodded, turning to his commander. 

"Sounds accurate but I suggest you take Boil and Waxer with you. The two are quite good with explosives while I take Wooley, Hardcase, Kix and Jesse as back up for me, Rex and Ahsoka" Cody summarised over the blaster fire. Rex smirked at the down low tone of his frustrated older brother.

"Are you sure about this Cody?" 

"We will be fine Master, Commander Cody has more experience about strategies than the rest of us" Ahsoka said with a grin which had Obi-wan nodding, Cody patted her back in thanks as he shared a knowing smile with his general. 

Once the others left a teasing tone directed at the Commander had Cody blushing,"You are so smitten". Rex's voice was louder than Ahsoka's. 

"Shut up and shoot" 

"Yes Sir" and "Whatever you say Codes", he ignored the two phrases from both Ahsoka and Rex while the other four sniggered in their helmets. Kicking another droid which had gotten too close Cody smirked at the curse from Kix about broken armour. Cody ignored him knowing he would have to replace his own eventually but for now they would deal with it.

Feeling something off Cody turned around only to gasp.


His yell had all heads turning as they ran for the cover to the sides as where they had just been standing had been obliterated.

"Ahsoka! Get down!" Rex ordered, only for the padawan to shake her head as they had been circled by the droids. Ahsoka was struggling in protecting their backs so Cody took notice of a few explosive barrels.

"General! We need help! We have been surrounded" 

"Almost there Rex" 

Rex only sighed, dragging Kix into cover which had Jesse nodding in thanks as droids appeared from every angle.

"Soka! Get down! That's an order!" Cody's voice turned attention to the commander who had basically shoved Ahsoka behind cover as he threw another grenade towards a set of droids. 

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