Chapter 21: Broken Promise

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Across the shoreline, the Grandmasters of the Shirai Ryu and Lin Kuei walk toward their destination. They stop to take in the view of a large bridge of rock stretching across the skyline with massive army numbering in the thousands of Netherrealm Oni and Cyber Lin Kuei walking across it. A glowing figure beaming light from her being hovers high above the bridge, and that figure is Cetrion as she focuses on keeping the bridge together for the army of demons to traverse across it. Back on the shoreline, Hanzo Hasashi looks to Kuai Liang.

Hanzo: Those warriors must be headed for Kronika's Keep.

Sub-Zero: Agreed. But why not use Kharon's fleet? The bridge clearly taxes her power.

Hanzo: The fleet's bound to Kharon. It sails only by his command. That it's still moored suggests he won't help Kronika.

Sub-Zero: In which case he may help us.

Back on the bridge, the last of the Netherrealm army has finished crossing. Still focusing as best she can, Cetrion disperses the bridge, causing it to disintegrate into a green mist. On the shoreline, a scream of agony resonates across the surroundings. Hanzo turns to look at a nearby shack, determining that was where the scream came from.

Hanzo: It looks like Kharon is home, perhaps hosting some unwelcome guests.

He turns to Sub-Zero.

Hanzo: Return to Earthrealm. Tell the others we've found him. We'll deploy as soon as I return.

Sub-Zero: Are you certain Kharon will aid us?

Hanzo: No. But he's our best chance.

Hanzo approaches it, taking cover behind an outcropping of rock. He peeks through the window of the shack, where he sees Kharon being tortured by past Scorpion.

Scorpion: You should have aided Kronika, Kharon. Now you must suffer.

Hee approaches the table, and his hand is engulfing in flames.

Kharon: I am immortal, Scorpion. You cannot kill me.

Scorpion: We'll see about that.

He suddenly lurches forward in pain as something plunges into her back.


Scorpion is violently yanked out of the shack window, courtesy of Hanzo's chained kunai. He falls onto the shoreline in a crumpled heap, but as Hanzo lands nearby, he pulls himself to a standing position.

Scorpion: Your clan of impostors will fall.

Hanzo: I've restored the Shirai Ryu. Built a clan that's never been stronger.

Scorpion angrily points a finger in his direction.

Scorpion: On a foundation of pretenders and outsiders! Kronika told me.

He pulls out his ninjato sword and twirls it in his hands. Hanzo pulls out his own ninjato. Hanzo charges his older self, who meets the charge with one of his own. They clash, with Hanzo pressing the attack. His younger self blocks and parries his sword strikes, pushing back on him after their blades briefly lock. They each block and deflect one another's strikes until Hanzo ducks a swipe from his younger self and delivers a counter stab, but Scorpion teleports away in a flash of hellfire before he can connect. This time, Hanzo is ready and does a 180 degree turn just as his younger self emerges behind him. Hanzo throws his chained kunai, but Scorpion skillfully knocks it aside with his sword before it hits. He then grabs the chain, tugs on it to unbalance his younger self and ignites the chain with some hellfire of his own. The fire travels down the chain in an instant, torching Hanzo and forcing him onto his knees in pain. Hanzo stops attacking, but his younger self is not willing to surrender just yet. He remains on one knee.

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