The Blind Priestess

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Name: Priestess (Phia Viana Cezzia)

Nicknames/Titles: Priestess, The Blind One, Voice of the Goddess; Phi (pronounced 'fee')

Age: Unknown/Ageless (25 in appearance, true age truly unknown)

Gender: Female (she/they)

Sexuality: Demisexual/romantic

Species: Werewolf



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(Faceclaim: The Firekeeper from the Dark Souls video game)She's 5'4

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(Faceclaim: The Firekeeper from the Dark Souls video game)
She's 5'4

(Faceclaim: The Firekeeper from the Dark Souls video game)She's 5'4

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Personality: The Priestess is a very serene individual. Graceful and a bit aloof, she is incredibly in touch with the world around her. Sometimes difficult to deal with, and she certainly doesn't always give straightforward answers, many people tend to get annoyed with her at some point for her lack of clarity. Not full of emotion, her tone is always airy and placid. It seems nothing stirs her one way or another - either good or bad - and she remains fairly neutral overall. Sometimes a flash of anger or happiness will flash through, but only when truly pushed or grated. The spokesperson of the Moon Goddess - the sacred goddess of the werewolves - she is extremely religious and in tune with the spirit. She possesses gifts beyond the typical werewolf, and she uses those when she needs to. Highly regarded by pretty much all wolves - even if they aren't hyper religious - the Priestess is often traveled to for advice or prophetic visions, much like the Oracle of Delphi in Ancient Greece. She is consulted by Alpha's, rogues, and the average pack member - she doesn't deny anyone. Literally no one. The Goddess looks down on all, shuns next to no one - except those who condemn and violate sacred laws, bonds, and rites. The Priestess can be utterly terrifying if she chooses to be, and as it is, many find her a bit off-putting or even creepy. The Priestess, however, is simply living life as The Goddess directs her - the spokesperson for far longer than people realize.

Likes: the Goddess, her peace, solitude, the occasional long-term guest, helping others

Dislikes: disrespect of the Goddess, loneliness, dismissal of her religion

Powers: Shifting into a wolf (looks above); heightened durability, strength, speed, senses, and reflexes while in human form.
Can sense a mating bond
Can tap into a pack's mind-link of her own free will - sometimes people fear she is reading their minds
Can hear The Moon talking
Commanding Power - Invokes the Goddess, can command Alpha's
Can supposedly convene with the dead
Prophetic visions from the Goddess

Backstory: Even the Priestess isn't entirely sure when or where she was born. She does not even remember coming to America. Long ago, she had fellow Priests and Priestesses, she was not alone. She had friends, long ago. Sometimes she still hears their laughs or voices, feel their touches. She misses them deeply. She's the only one left, that she is aware of - at least, the only Priestess left who subscribes to the Old Ways. Blind since her birth, Priests and Priestesses were recruited for their blindness. The belief was that they were able to become more in tune with their wolves and the Goddess because of their inability to see the mortal plane. Born Phia Viana Cezzia - her blindness was unique. Her eyes are fully white - no pupil. Creepy to many (if not most), she was the absolute ideal candidate. A choice proven to be correct. She quickly rose to the rank of Apprentice to the Head Priestess, and there she remained until her fellow Voices (another name for the Priests and Priestesses) were killed. Believed to be the most direct line to the Goddess, the wolves had been after her. No one knows how Phia made it out alive except herself. Besides, Phia died that day. From then on out she became The Priestess - being the only one left - which then morphed into The Blind Priestess when the New Order rose in which Voices no longer had to be blind. The New Order isn't taken as seriously, and those who follow the Old Ways - like Phia - are often seen as myths and cryptids. Phia is the only known Old Ways Priestess left. Before settling in America - where she settled just before the Original Six Packs were officially formed. Since then, she has remained in one spot, and the woods around her home has become a sacred and protected place - even by the human government. They are thought of as 'her woods' even though technically they are not, they might as well be. With each passing year less people visit her and Phia's loneliness grows. She can feel the mate bonds of others, but will the Goddess ever permit her to have one of her own?

Other: Phia doesn't shift very often, though she and her wolf are incredibly in-sync; her wolf is also blind
Her eyes are covered more often than not in normally ornate eye-coverings
Her hearing and smell are far better and more powerful than the average werewolf
She is feared by many Alpha's, but not because she is fearsome (though she can be), but because of her connection to the Goddess, and how she seems to know things about them that no one else does



Jericho - Iniko (in header)

I Am - Jamie (Campbell) Bower

Change on the Rise - Avi Kaplan

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