Harper Quinn Preston

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Name: Harper Quinn Preston

Nicknames: Harp

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Omnisexual

Species: Werewolf



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(Faceclaim: Rocío Camacho - @rociocamacho on Insta)She's 5'6

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(Faceclaim: Rocío Camacho - @rociocamacho on Insta)
She's 5'6

(Faceclaim: Rocío Camacho - @rociocamacho on Insta)She's 5'6

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Personality: Harper is a free-spirit. Pack hierarchies and laws have never been a structure she has thrived in, but being a rogue? Now that is phenomenal for her. She interacts with humans and werewolves alike, and despite her insistence of not being part of a pack, she has many, many friends in various packs. She is daring and adventures and well-traveled, both within the United States and far outside it. A curious soul, and deeply fascinated by the history, myths, and lore of her kind, she goes and visits locations that were supposedly vastly important to the werewolves, whether in terms of religion, massacres, or miracles. Because of this curiosity, she has probably visited the Blind Priestess more than anyone has in centuries, going so far as to concerned the blind werewolf a very untraditional friend. Harper likes to share her findings with others, so if you are willing to listen, she will tell you. Sometimes she goes to the packs - well, pack Alpha's - with vastly important knowledge, and sometimes she is even hired by Alpha's to research specific topics and come back with a report. Outside of all that, though, she is a very kind soul. It is hard to hate or dislike her. Even the worst of people somehow find a way to like her. Very complimentary of other people, she is also a huge optimist. It is truly hard to get her down. Even if she were kidnapped and tortured, she'd find a way to see the positive in the situation, to find the hope. There is a certain air of purity and innocence to her, though people don't really know why. It's something that Harper isn't even aware of, that she gives off that vibe and energy. Alas, it is because the Priestess has protected her soul from negativity and danger and evil.

Likes: history, mythology, lore, learning, talking, her friends, people she cares about, traveling, writing, journaling, love

Dislikes: lost history, not being able to find an answer, people's lack of understanding, people's desire for war - did they learn nothing from history?

Powers: Shifting into a wolf (looks above); heightened durability, strength, speed, senses, and reflexes while in human form.

Backstory: Harper is a former member of the Sierra pack, and still remains good family-friends with the Bakshi siblings - her mother is best friends with their mother. When she turned 18, she left the pack with an official pardon from the Alpha, and thus started her life as a rogue. Over the past 11 years, she has slowly become one of the leading historians on the history of werewolves and their world, and she has recovered quite a few lost passages and information, and has been working to translate some. She visits the Blind Priestess at least once a month, updating her on her travels and new information, but also goes to receive guidance before every expedition she goes on. Unaware of the protection placed upon her soul by the Priestess, Harper navigates life with a true sense of positivity and optimism, even with all the terrible things she has read, seen, and heard. She is currently back stateside, visiting with the packs to share some more information that she has found. Unlike some werewolf parents, hers were very supportive of her leaving the pack life behind. They knew their daughter struggled with the confines of pack life, and that all she ever wanted was to travel and be a historian. Free of pack life, she could do just that. She goes home and visits them regularly, and is always welcome within Sierra territory, as it is still her home - maybe not in the way people expect, but it is where her family is. She holds no permanent home, but Sierra is the closest she has, unless you count her RV.

Other: She has two younger siblings - a sister who is 22 and one who is 17
She has many, many human friends, whom she keeps this world a secret from
She operates with permission from the werewolf Alpha's, but also the United States government, especially given the nature of her job and what she is discovering (she still keeps important info from the human government)
She is fluent in Spanish in addition to English, and also Italian

*The Blind Priestess, Bakshi siblings, and Sierra pack information can be found in World of Wolves on my profile*

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