Uriah Frank Charleston

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Name: Uriah Frank Charleston

Nicknames: Uri, Riah

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual Polyamorous

Species: Werewolf



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(Faceclaim: Vincent von Thien)He's 6'3

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(Faceclaim: Vincent von Thien)
He's 6'3

Personality: Uriah is a being who goes through like unruffled

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Personality: Uriah is a being who goes through like unruffled. It seems like absolutely nothing shakes him - sarcastic, flippant, and unrelenting, Uriah makes-do with whatever situation he finds himself in. Quick on his feet, he's quite skilled in getting out of troublesome situations - situations he often got himself in to begin with. Undeterred when plans go off the rail - and Uriah is someone whose plans often go off the rail - Uriah will always do what he sets out to do. So long as he makes it to the end goal, how he got there truly doesn't matter. Constantly mouthing off, even in situations in which he likely shouldn't, he knows how to get under someone's skin - sometimes his very presence is enough to annoy someone beyond belief, and that smug smile of his can make people want to slap it right off his face. Yet somehow, despite this, he can be very charming. Classified as someone you don't want to like, but you very much so do, Uriah sometimes uses this to his advantage. However, most of the time, he simply enjoys being admired, liked, and fawned over. A werewolf with an ego - an ego that's hard to lessen - it somehow isn't overpoweringly annoying. He knows he's good, he knows his skill set, and he knows he is attractive. His confidence is there, always, even when in perilous, seemingly life-ending situations - of which he has been in many.

Likes: life, his job, money, being paid, smoking, drinking, adventure, other wolves, his lifestyle

Dislikes: being cooped up in a pack, failing without picking himself back up, lack of companionship, being disliked

Powers: Shifting into a wolf (looks above); heightened durability, strength, speed, senses, and reflexes while in human form.

Backstory: Uriah was a member of the Redwood Pack, and his family is actually still there. His father was the Commander of the Elites before Jillian Musso. However, Uriah never fit in well in a pack-structure - odd for a werewolf. Too carefree, too disrespecting to authority, too strong-willed, and non-monogamous. Uriah was always great with other wolves, and despite his struggle in a pack hierarchy, he was well-loved and liked by his pack members - for the most part. Able to get under others skin incredibly well, Uriah was often involved in fights - fights he always finished. Which wasn't a good look for the son of the Commander. He and his father butted heads often - and though Uriah knows he was loved to the best of his father's ability, he wasn't understood. And that hurt more than almost anything. One day, right after he turned 18 and no longer the ward of his parents, he went to his Alpha - Jonah, who was still a new Alpha, having only just taken over the year prior - and officially severed his membership to the pack. No hard feelings, no exile or banishment - he simply just wanted out. And then he left, writing a note to his parents, and that was that. Now a rogue, and a well-beloved rogue at that, Uriah often drifted from pack to pack, making friends, being hired for things here and there - like protection, fighting, spying, or even yard-work - Uriah has maintained those relationships. A rogue, one by choice, pack members find him odd - some see him as sacrilegious - but that doesn't matter to Uriah. A mercenary, who has done both mundane and terrible things for money, he very much so enjoys his lifestyle. And though he feels no pack-mentality when it comes to any pack, he will forever hold a soft spot for Redwood, for the family and friends still left behind. However, he deals with Redwood least of any pack, because he can't bring himself to see the lack of understanding and disappointment on the faces of those he still loves - he only ever deals with the Alpha or Beta when being hired.

Other: Uriah is one of the only rogues who is a rogue by choice
He has had dealings with many, many packs - he is well-traveled throughout the country, and well-known by Alpha's and those connected with rogues
Uriah will do most anything he is paid to do - and if there is a line he won't cross, he simply won't cross it, and find ways to get around it
He certainly has enemies - both individuals (rogue and pack members) and whole packs
He knows Castor Faze, and he considers the other rogue a member of his family, even if they don't see one another as much - Jagger trained both of them for a time
He has been hired by Crimson River many, many times and has had many dealings with Veronica, Vanessa, and Kent - though they each don't know he has dealings with the others
Uriah has a lot of money - though pretty much no one but Uriah knows this


Within the RP:

Uriah is very good friends with another rogue, Castor Faze, and Julius Augustus Howard IV, the Alpha of Black Moon.

He's had inferred dealings with Crimson River.



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