Out of the Frying Pan

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"In that bathroom is a bag with some clothes that should fit you." Dr. Latourney told him. "I doubt we have much time before they get a hold of Cerantos and figure out what we are doing."

"And what are we doing?" Blaine asked, standing in the open door of the bathroom.

"I will explain, but right now, get your clothes on, before it's too late." Dr. Latourney said, impatiently.

Blaine quickly found the bag in the corner of the bathroom and pulled out the clothes. Obviously not his clothes, but better than the dirty scrubs.

"Don't I need my stuff? My wallet? Keys?" Blaine said, pausing.

"Blaine, seriously just shut up and do what I say. You fucked up by choking out that nurse and there is only one way to get out of this."

Blaine didn't respond and quickly put on the clothes and started to follow Dr. Latourney again. He recognized the hallways that he had taken during his escape. He saw light coming in through the windows, so it had been at least a few hours since they caught him. It could have been more, depending on how much they sedated him. It didn't really matter now though, he was on his way out. As they walked out the last locked door, Blaine watched Dr. Latourney scan his badge and then press the key pad. Blaine smiled. The code was different. Who knows how many years had they kept it the same and one night with Blaine meant they probably changed the code system wide.

When they walked into the lobby, Blaine felt his stomach drop as the two security guards stared at him from behind their desk. There was no way they would let him out of here. He didn't recognize either guard, but that didn't mean anything. Blaine couldn't have picked out the guard who tackled him in a line up. He couldn't even tell you for sure it was a guy.

Blaine avoided eye contact, held his breath, and followed Dr. Latourney with as much confidence he could muster. He figured even if they suspected something, as long as he looked like a student shadowing a psychiatrist or anything other than a patient escaping a mental institution, he might make it.

As they walked out the same front doors that at an unknown time before Blaine had busted through, Blaine couldn't help but look around to see if anyone was about to tackle him again.

"Stop looking back. It makes you look very suspicious." Dr. Latourney said under his breath.

"Right." Blaine said, locking his eyes forward. "Where are we going."

"We are getting in my car and we are driving away from this urine soaked hell hole."

"Was that a Simpsons reference?" Blaine asked smiling, remembering those same words from an episode so long ago he had no reason to remember. Was that the episode playing when he had his vision? Is this just another phase of a huge delusion?

"Is pee-pee soaked heck hole, better?" Dr. Latourney said, acknowledging the reference by quoting the next line.

"What about my truck?" Blaine asked.

"That's the least of your worries right now."

It dawned on Blaine as he sat down on the soft white leather seats of this obviously expensive car, that he hadn't heard from the voice in a while.

"Who told you I was here?" Blaine asked. He only told one person that he was coming here, and Kalvin doesn't know Dr. Latourney.

"Blaine, there are a few things you don't know about me. We have a few mutual friends." Dr. Latourney said, screeching the tires a bit as he pulled out of the parking space.

"Can I borrow your phone. I need to call someone real quick." Blaine said. He realized as he finished his sentence that even with a cell phone, he still didn't remember Kalvin's number. "Wait. What did you just say?"

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