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Hey guysss i cant remember when i posted the other chapter so i'm gunna write another one Also thank you for the feed back justingame44 im going to try and use it- hopefully currectly.

Hawks Pov-



I was just making my rounds when i hear on my comm that a bomber blew up a building near a school called Aldera Junior High in Musutafu, Japan. i tell them i am coming to help and i start flying to Musutafu though it is quick as i can fly there in minutes. 

after a bit i hear someone crying out for help and i yell im coming though i doubt he hear me as im flying i slow down and land i see the kid is a male with fluffy green hair and sadly a bloody face though i dont think he can feel it 

as he is looking at me like im All-might or something i smile and crouch infront of him as i hear him wince, "i got ya" i say as i lift the building peice off of his leg, once i do he backs up pretty quickly for an injured kid, 

Must be his quirk. i thought    

After i drop the peice back on the ground he goes to stand up but can and falls back on his knees with a cry. i get worried and go towards him and feels around his leg...

"I think its broken...Here"

 i say as i pick him up and start flying towards the hospital..i realize that he is very light weighted and hurry up as i fly faster...but once i look at the greenete i see his eyes falling shut.. in that second i see the hospital

Almost there I mumbled

once i land on the room of the emergency hospital and rush down the stairs and yell


 once i do a lot...and i mean a lot of people star rushing towards me and helping the greenete once they reach me i give him up to a nurse and follow them as they are bringing him to a room once they walk into a room i sit down and thats when i get a text from my Good old "friend" 


:Text time E- Endeavor  K-Keigo/Hawks

E- where are you? 

E- you idiot you did nothing

E- you better have a good god damn excuse

 K- i was helping a kid

E-so? where were you?

K- did you really need me? the second best pro?

E- ofcourse not!

K- good.

E- where were you?, no where are you?

K- hospital, Kid got stuck under a huge piece of building and couldnt walk so im waiting to see what happend

E- couldn't you leave em?

K- no? what if he can't walk and i just left him without someone!?

E- whatever, after your done come to the agency we have to file a report and figure out who set the bomb off

Read 4:43

I sigh setting my phone down.. Endeavor can be such a bitch.. soon i see the nurse come up to me so i stand up trying to look presentable.. well i am a pro after all i can tell she is a fan by the way she moves towards me acting like ill bring her to dinner or something, i dont swing that way so poor whore

Whore was to nice...

"well sir please he will be fine.. but how long do you have work? i get off in an hour maybe you can.. pick me up if you know what i mean?"

Sadly i did, that nurse was a slut im telling you she would not stop flirting with me sadly the only information i got from her was his name was midoriya and visiting hours are over so after thirty minutes of trying to leave that conversation i quickly left to go to the agency to talk about the bomb...but when i did... i realized i could've asked for the number of the Mother-

End of second chapter!

Did i do it right?? i hope so butttt anyway hope you guys enjoyed the second chapter im going to try and continue writing, P.S i will be Posting when the next chapters will be up when i start writing them

Anywho Hope you guys have a good Day/Night 


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