Missin' you already- HAWKS ITS BEEN 10 MINUTES!?

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hey guys!!! rn im writing this one and the next couple of chapters in school- wish me luck-







Hawk's Pov (it will change)

After Eraser Took Feather home i started to get debriefed. you know, all the things i did wrong or right, and how i couldve responded to the wrong thing i did instead. but, nonetheless it happens every time, no matter what.

So after i was debriefed, i head to the agency and sat down to create my report. it took me two FUCKING hours to make said report. who knew that when you have an abused child it takes TWO FUCKING HOURS!!!!??

So now i am flying as fast as i can home, i actually passed by Aizawas car still in traffic. 'Glad i can fly' i thought. but..maybe i left the kid alone to long..i wonder what is happening at home..



Izukus Pov! 

I got woken up to a door opening, i could tell it was quiet but i didnt know from where. I was laying on a really big bed..i was comfortable too..but i sat up, then got out of the bed and started to sneak to check where it was coming from..

when i had gotten up i started to tip toe towards the door, shutting me from the rest of the house..'Is it a villan?' 'is mom coming back to get me' 'did hawks sell me out?' 'a robber?'. i was forced out of my thoughts by a loud thud.

I froze a little before quietly opening my door and stepping into the hallway, it was a dark mess and you can barely see your hand. it must be atleast 2-3am..who would be dumb enough to try and fail at sneaking into a pro heros house!? 'did hawks hear them?' i wondered 

when i got into the kitchen i went into a cabinet and started to search for something heavy quietly. after the third cabinet i found a big pan. i knew it was dumb but it was all i had in the dark.

I started going towards where the sound was. i heard mumbling and shuffling sounds in the entry way. it was way too dark to figure out who was here, but i was sure going to protect the home of Hawks! he saved me this is the least i could do!

So when i entered the entry i slowly started to search for the light switch, finding it i flicked it on and raised my pan. when i saw who it was i stopped for a minute..






Hewo- i wanna go little so bad rn- but no- i shall survive!  (edited future me, The only reason My feather got posted and not My mafia queen is because i wrote this one in advanced)


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