Problem child...

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Haya guys! i know that i havent written shit in the past couple of- well a month basically but i have writers blockkkk also! thanks for all your comments!! it makes me feel better about writing my shitty storys! anywho- have fun with this next chapter!



Aizawa's Pov.

I'm doing my nightly patrol after having to do shitty hours of school and deal with my husband Hizashi and my Cats. im currently jumping On and over roof-tops just deciding whether or not to call it a night.

Thats when I heard someone singing a couple of Roofs down, Confused i jump on some roofs to get closer, thats when they semi look at me they have Darkish green hair and is in Some middle school uniform and looks semi bruised and beaten

 but the song they are singing is so sad and depressing...i wonder what happened to the kid..

I see him crying slightly so i kneel behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. he finishes his song soon and kind of looks semi-shocked and wipes his tears

"Kid...Why are you on a roof?" I ask Him but he looks conflicted to awnser me but softly awnsers "I like the stars"

I chuckle but i gently pull him away from the side making sure his feet isnt dangling "Kid, its dangerous to be on a roof at night, you could fall" I say cautiously, he might be a jumper and i dont want to push him to that

"i know.." the Green haired kid said but it was kind of sad...but he quickly says "im not going to jump Eraserhead" I immediately become shocked, since when do kids know me? im an underground hero not some spot light one

"How do you.." I ask but he cuts me off "Your scarf...One of a kind" I look down at it to see coffee stains and dirt and debree in it since i never wash it "kid, whats your name?" "Midoriya, Midoriya Izuku" I nod finally getting his name

"Midoriya, Why are you bruised up?" I see him tense but awnsers "i-i fe-ll..." I sigh but nod and mumble an "Okay" i finally size him up...(That sounds wrong)

 He seems to be in his last year of Middle school, He figits like he has anxiety, and he sometimes stutters when he doesnt like a question. he seems kinda scrawny like he hasnt had food in days but he seems to have a bit of energy surprisingly. And he seems to analize People and Heros

The whole time im Staring at his movements hes staring at mine like hes writing down somethings he never knew in his head...Maybe a Analization quirk?

So thats what i ask him "do you have an analize quirk kid?" i ask and he shakes his head but wont awnser

"kid what quirk do you have?" He looks down then awnsers "Fire-freeze...but right now im quirkless as it hasnt appeared..." im kinda shocked....That quirk rarely has an happens like every 100 years or so...

With knowing this i shake my head and mumble "your going to be a problem child..."




Haiii so this is my new chapter! i came up with this on the fly so hopefully its good!! Have a good Morning/Afternoon/Night!




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