Chapter 4: The school field Trip, part 2. 10/10/23 - 12 /10 /23

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The Flight was finally over after 13 hours. Yori woke me up and we joined our groups to follow a teacher to our hotel. There were three groups. The teachers made it a game on who could get their first, so the students got to agree on names. Group 1 came up with an idea and told the other two groups and so they all agreed.

 Group 1 named themselves,shou akuma (Little Devil),

 group 2 chose Chiisana yurei (Little Ghost),

 and my group, group 3 chose chiisana tenshi (little angel).

 The group were assigned by what row we were sitting in on the plane. The first group to make it there was the Chiisana Yurei. They got candy and the first room choice, The second group was mine, which was the Chiisana tenshi. We got second choice. The last make it was the Shou Akuma. They just got an angry and stressed teacher. 

"Heyo, you guys finally made it! What took so long?" Kisuke says to the three in the Shou Akuma group, (Tamiko, Giichi, and Maku),

 "ah, we took a few... stops... but hey where is Kito?" Tamiko asks look around some.

 "Oh he went to bed, he said he still felt sick from the flight" Yori says calmly. 

"Yeah, poor guy, looked pale as a ghost and hella tired" Keisuke adds. 

"I kinda feel bad now.. For pressuring him to come... i mean." Koya says looking at the gound feeling a little guilty. 

"I agree, but the thing is, well first off, he never brought it up to us, and i wanna know why but second... he looks to cute when he is asleep" Keisuke says in a fun way. 

"KEISUKE!" yori yells a bit jealous and peeved.

 "What?~ don't believe me? Have a look for yourselves" Keisuke says as he opens my door some and holds a shush signal with his left hand. After a few seconds Keisuke closes my door quietly. Everyone beguns to talk about how adorable it is that i sleep in a hoodie that has pink, blue, and yellow, and has a cat eared hood. They also begun to adore the fact i sleep with a teddy bear. 

"also , you all should try holding him sometime or caring him... he is soo lightweight! Its quite nice and convenient to be honest" Keisuke adds.

 "Woah really?"koya asks in disbelief. Keisuke nods. 

"I want to pick him up now" Koshi says. Everyone agrees that they do as well. (The next day) I wake up still feeling a little dizzy from the flight, so I do my best to hide it and walk out of my assigned room. Oh and my roommates are Koshi and two other male strangers from our class. As soon as I walk to the kitchen I run into Keisuke. Luckly He catches me.

 "Hey, are you doing ok Kito? You look a little dizzy" Keisuke says concerned, kneeling some to match my height. 

"I- uh-yes im fine.." I say back a little unsure. 

"Kito.. I know your lying to me... I am going to Collage for sociology and a doctors degree.. If you wanna talk in private we can go to my assigned room, all my roomates are out exploring our boundary." Keisuke says in a kind but fatherly sounding way. For some strange reason, it feels like he is treating me like a child and this time i like it. I feel calm, and brighter, as if i look up to him as a father figure, which is strange because i don't believe i was ever really looking for a father figure. 

"Y-yes please" I say as i look to the floor. Keisuke stands up then picks me up.

"H-hey! What the he-" I begun to yell about it but get shushed by keisuke. I don't quite know why but i listened and stayed quite as i put my head in his shoulder and he carried me to his assigned room. When we arrived in his room he set me down on his bed and got his medical school bag. 

"Keisuke..." I say wanting to confess his fatherly figure.

 "Yes Kito?" Keisuke asks keeling infront of me with his bag to the right of him on the ground. I keep an embarrassed look on my face and turn my head away.

 " uhm... is it normal to see you as a father figure...? Im sorry if its weird or random... just curious.. For a friend you know?" I say embarrassed a little bit. 

"Well, I dont think so... but please tell your "friend"... that im glad to have someone look up to me in that way, and i would love to live up to the role if they'd like, ok kito?" Keisuke asks as he has a gentle, calm, but sincere smile on his face. I give a nod. After he checks if my eyes dilate and so what he pulls out an advil. 

" here take this" Keisuke says as he holds the pills out for me. I stare a bit nervous.

 "Kito? Whats the matter? Are you afraid to take pills?" Keisuke asks. 

"I-i-no, im not! I-" Keisuke cuts me off again by covering my mouth.

 "Kito... dont lie, ok? Speak the truth... I will not judge, and if you are worried about me telling others, personal care doctors have a saying that goes like, "Whats said in the appointment stays in the appointment, unless there is a VERY specific and important case or situation" keisuke says re-assureing me and un covering my mouth. Im a bit shocked as to how well my new friend can read me,

 "how- uhm, yeah... i have a sort of trauma... from it..." I say looking back at the ground. I then see a chewable advil infront of me and look up to Keisukes kind and gentle smile. I feel comforted, yet surprised and confused as to why he dident ask for more details like everyone else has done so far. I take the chewable advil and Keisuke gives me a sucker for being a good paitent as if i were a child. I accepted the lollipop and used the rest of my time to explore the places we were allowed with my friends.

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