Chapter 6: recovery

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I woke up slightly confused seeing everyone in my room, then I suddenly remembered what had happened last night. 

"Kito..?" Keisuke slightly starts to wake up. His morning voice is quite deep compared to his calmer, softer normal voice.

 "Uh...yes?" I reply back, my voice sounds a little like what Keisuke normally sounds like, Just a bit more polite. 

"Good morning... so how are you feeling?" Keisuke asks still laying with me.

 "Fine..." I look down at the mattress under us as I say this. Keisuke smiles gently. 

"Well, if you dont mind me asking.. What happened last night? It seemed to have really hit you hard..". I was worried he would ask this question.

 "I-..." I slightly start to cry again.

 "Hey, hey.. Its ok... i-i dident mean to make you cry uhm...". Tamiko and Yori both wake up. 

"Hm? Kito..? whats up..? Its ok..?" Tamiko's voice sounds a bit rougher. 

"huh? Kito..? are you hungry? Say, what's you're favorite food anyway Kito?" Yori says trying to change the subject. Keisuke and I sit up, and then I look over at Yori. It did work because I stopped crying. 

"I like.... Ice cream... and uh... hamburgers".

 "Is that so?" Yori says nicely as he smiles. I give a little nod.

 "Even though its breakfast, do you want me to make you one? We can have lunch for breakfast.". 

"Ok... but do you think the others will be ok with it?" I slightly ask.

 "I'm sure they wouldent mind Kito" Keisuke says reasuringly.

 "Yeah, who dosent like burgers... dont answer that by the way.. Hehe... also dang dude your voice is deep" Tamiko says his voice returned to normal. Keisuke just gently smiles at the comment. After that we quietly leave the room and go into the dorm's kitchen. Keisuke and Yori start working on the food. 

"Soo, wanna make video with me later? Write a song maybe..?" Tamiko asks trying to break the silence.

 "Yeah, that sounds fun... but i have no clue what im doing, video, music wise.." I reply.

 "Well thats ok! You dont need to be good to have fun! I mean, whats the point in doing something your good at if you can enjoy it? I think its better to work on the skills you do enjoy, so that way you can be happy!". I slightly shocked to hear this.

"is... is that really true..?" I mumble to myself looking at the ground. Tamiko hears me. 

"Of course its true, i dont really like to lie when i'm giving advise. Trust me". I jump slightly, I dident think he could hear me. 

"Youre like a cat i swear..".

 " Sounds fun! So what are the others then, can you give me reasons as well?" Tamiko sounds entertained.

 "Huh? Uhm... You are a cat because, well you kinda act like one..".

 "I could see that"Keisuke Replys.

 "I could to, suits you to a tee" Yori says trying not to laugh. Koshi, Koya and Giichi join in the conversation. 

"Who's the cat, and what am I?" Giichi says, as Koshi and Giichi sit on stools while Koya, and I and siting on the counter top with Tamiko leaning against a wall.

 "Tamiko is the cat!... and.. Keisuke is a dog or Graffe I could see you being more a dog though, Yori is a....uhm... Yori is a.. Bee or a goat, probilly a goat though, Koshi is a sheep, Koya is a lion, I would be a owl, Giichi is a flamingo, and Maku would be... hm.. I could see 4 things for her.. A Graffee, rabbit, Horse, and elephant...".

 "Ooo" Maku says, everyone jumps some.

 "Maku! You scared us... your too quiet... and arent you normally asleep till like.. 12 or something!?".Giichi replys 

"My Maku senses were tingeling..". Maku saysback calm as can be.

 "Oh no..not this again.. quick .. someone get the chair" Giichi adds. 

"Maku...senses". I question. 

"Yes" Maku says as she creeply looks at me.

 "The chair?! What dose that mean" Tamiko questions. Koshi and Koya remain sitting there watching the tea unfold. 

"None of your concern.. Yori do NOT grab the chair, we do not need it thank you!" Keisuke says to yori as soon as he sees him wandering off. Yori stops in his tracks.

" fine, fine.. But are you sure we should listen to another one of these...? I mean we have a Child here!". Everyone looks to me as yori holds him hand out pointing at me.

 "We have a child...?" I ask genuinely confused. Everyone sighs.

 "You are the child" Koshi whispers to me. 

"Oooh... wait, what am i the child!? Better question, when did i get dubbed the child?! Why?! And now that I think about it my name has just been transformed into" I asked very confused and trying to think on how and why everyone started using Yori's little nickname. 

"Best not to ask, Kito, but yes Yori I am sure". Keisuke says a little like we will figure that much out later. 

"Ok..finee, no chair..". Giichi facepalms herself a little bit.

 "This cannot end well, Keisuke... You know how she is... look at her.. Just... look.. Look. at. Her. this cannot be happening..." Giichi says, me and Tamiko remain very confused as to whats happening. 

"My maku sense are tingling.." Maku says dead set. 

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