Chapter 5: under slept and overworked

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The school trip has finally ended, and on a good note as well...all though on the flight back I wound up throwing up on Yori, and getting sick after the flight as well, luckily that time I was able to make it to the bathrooms, Keisuke, Yori, Tamiko, and Koshi followed me to make sure i was going to be alright, I ended up needing to sleep again just like last time, so Keisuke decided to carry me as I slept until we made it to my dorm, the rest were jealous and mad. Although it's been a few days since the little school field trip adventure, it was fun. 

"Hey uh, Kito, you may wanna wake up... the teacher is gonna get mad" Yori whispers to me trying to wake me up. The teacher notices, but continues to teach, after class he wakes me up and tells me that class is over,

 "Kishito, I've noticed you've been sleeping in my class a lot lately. I haven't bothered waking you up, because I'm sure there is a reason for it, and I'm not trying to force you to tell me or anything but I would like to know the reason if you're willing to share" the teacher says to me gently. I feel a kind of comfort in this so I decide to share. 

"Uh, yes, there's a reason... and uh i've been training alot and i have way too much homework to do so i've never really found a time for rest you know?" My voice as I say this sounds genuine, like I'm not lying or making it up.

 "Well, if you ever need help, i'll be here, ok kishito?" I nod and leave to my dorm. (at the dorm, 8:00am) I go to my room and chill there. My roommate comes in the dorm. 

"Hey, Kito! Im home!" Tamiko yells. 

"No response.." 

"Maybe I will check his room" Tamiko Thinks as he heads to my door. He knocks, but there is no answer. 

"Hey, kito.. I'm coming in ok?" Tamiko says as he carefully opens the door, he finds me asleep on my desk. 

"Kito? oh .. here lets put you in bed"Tamiko says as he begins to move me, he looks at my face 

"Hey, looks like you've been crying

 huh?" tamiko smiles gently some 

"well, its ok... im here now, and when you wake up, if you still feel sad you can talk to me, yori, Keisuke or any of the others" Takimo sets me on my bed carefully, and his voice says (sounds) soft and gentle, careful not to wake me. 

"He wasn't lying, you're abnormally light, you should really eat more Kito, well i better go now, get good rest, Kito" Tamiko begins to walk away but i grab his wrist, my eyes still closed and me still half asleep. 

"Stay...please...". Tamiko looks a little shocked and confused, then gives a gentle smile.

 "Ok, I will stay.... Do you want me to call the others as well? Or...". I give a little nod. About ten minutes later they all show up and enter my room. I seem to be asleep. Keisuke walks up and looks closely at my face. 

"He has been crying, hasn't he?" Keisuke asks in a fatherly way. 

"Yes, in fact i found him sleeping on his desk when i first got here, looked like he'd been crying, so i put him in bed, he asked me to stay and then he also wanted you guys, after i texted you, then he started crying again, in fact just a minute ago he fell asleep... kinda surprised you all were awake at this time" 

(time: 11:56pm) everyone starts to get a little concerned, they find a spot in my room and get situated. I wake up slightly and start crying again. Everyone looks at me, and wants to comfort me without crowding me. Keisuke gets up and sits me up right in bed as he sits next to me and gives me a slight hug.

 "What's the matter Kito, hm?" Keisuke askes, his voice calm and gentle like the wind giving someone a slight breeze of comfort in a sense. Yori and Tamiko, both sit next to us on the floor. Everyone feels bad because they've never seen me break down like this.

 "I-Im sorry..." My voice is a bit shaky but genuine. 

"Hey, don't worry about it," Koya says, giving a gentle smile. 

"We are all here for you kito!" Koshi adds, finishing Koya's sentence. 

"Yeah man, it's cool, let it all out ok?" Gichii also says smiling.

"Whether you want to talk or not we are all here ready to help you, so please, don't be sorry kito" Yori says as he smiles at me. They all smile and watch carefully. I turn my head and put it on Keisuke's shoulder.

 "Kito?" Keisuke asks softly.

 "S-sorry... I'm just sore... tired.....(I mumble something)". 

"Have you been overworking yourself Kito?" Keisuke asks, I give him a small nod. 

"Where are you sore? I know how to help with that, it may also help you sleep" Keisuke asks. I give a moment of silence. 

"My sides mainly...." I then feel Keisuke begin to rub my sides. His hands are quite soft and gentle to be honest.

 "Now, If you are uncomfortable with this, let me know, ok kito?....Kito?" Keisuke has a puzzled look from me not answering. 

"Do you think he fell asleep? Maku asks quietly. 

"Well his breathing did change to a more relaxed and slower type so yes, i believe so." Keisuke replies in a whisper. They all laugh about it quietly for a moment then Keisuke carefully lays with me on the bed and goes to sleep, the others slept directly next to the bed.

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