The Trials part 2: Fortitude

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Do you have what it takes to protect what matters to you? To handle the adversities that life will throw at you? I have seen life break the greatest of souls.

-excerpt from Iadaelus' Journals.

"Don't you-" Enix stopped his sentence short as Ghiri walked towards Ingot, choosing instead to put himself between Ghiri and his friends as the four-armed creature turned towards them. Ghiri swiped him to the side.

If you wish to stop me, stop me with your hands. Ghiri said as he grabbed Ingot and pressed hard. Enix heard the sound of crushing metal, and Ingot squealed in pain.

"You're hurting him!" Enix yelled, rushing forward to pull at Ghiri's arms.

Yes, and it will continue to hurt unless you stop me. Ghiri wrenched Enix's arm to the side and slapped him across the face. Vice lashed out, managing to clasp Ghiri's hands in an attempt to wrench Ingot free.

Enix was frozen, a million thoughts racing through his head. He didn't have the energy to fight Ghiri again or any more tricks he could pull. What could he do? Could he maybe grab Ingot and run? Had the creature gotten heavier and therefore harder to move?

Enix thought to his Devour ability but shook the thought aside. Ghiri could overpower or outlast him.

He had to keep trying. Ingot needed him. He called Vice to his hand, formed a blade again, and arced it towards Ghiri's elbows. Ghiri used Ingot's iron skin to block it.

Good! You swing with the intent to sever. Ghiri grabbed Enix's face with a free hand and shoved the boy back roughly. As Enix tried to recover Ghiri kicked him to the side, knocking the wind out of Enix's lungs. He collapsed, trying to maintain his breathing.

"Please," he gasped, "I need to rest, I can't-"

Would you rest while your companion suffers?

"No! But I can't do anything until-"

Can't do anything? You have breath in your lungs and a weapon in your hand. Seems to me like those two can give you plenty of options. Ghiri threw Ingot to the ground and stomped on it. Ingot was able to guard himself but stayed pinned beneath Ghiri.

Enix charged, only to be knocked back again. So it went until a screen appeared before him:

Warning: Excessive damage has been taken. 'Pain Nullification' has been activated.

Sure enough, Enix only had a sliver of health left. He could only watch as Ghiri grabbed Ingot's shelled head, positioning his fingers to tear out his armor.

Enix grit his teeth and breathed. Despite the nullified pain, he still felt every injury. He had to recover and figure out a way to help Ingot before he passed out.

His breath came in short bursts. Ghiri held Ingot in the air despite the creature's surprising heft. What matters to you at this moment?

Enix's body was shaking, but he stopped and went still. Nothing matters right now more than saving Ingot.

He got up again, taking one step forward. He ignored the pain and the fatigue. They stayed like chains around him, but he pushed through and took another step. His mind zeroed in on a single objective: to get Ghiri away from Ingot.

Congratulations! Through tribulation, you have unlocked the ability "Focus".

Focus (Active) Lvl 1: 0.00%

One can push past fatigue and injury when purpose carries one's actions. The body will accomplish wonders when the spirit is driven, and the mind is aimed. Allow one's objective to become centralized in one's being.

20% boost to all stats.

Skill cost decreases by 20% while maintaining Focus.

Spell cost decreases by 20% while maintaining Focus.

Receive 20% of benefits granted by Meditation while Focused.

Cost: Concentration

"Let my friend go, Ghiri. Now."

Ghiri noted that the boy had undergone some change. There was something different about Enix that he couldn't quite place. As Enix approached, Ghiri held Ingot to his side as Enix rushed him. With renewed focus, Enix could see things in a different light. He felt the power surge within him as he struck Ghiri with Vice. This time, to Enix's astonishment, Ghiri flinched at the contact. Enix dodged Ghiri's strikes and whacked Ghiri on his head with a carefully timed Strike.

Ghiri reeled, temporarily stunned, as he latched Vice onto the arm that held Ingot. Vice squeezed Ghiri's arm enough for Enix to remove Ingot, who dropped to the ground with a squeak.

Enix breathed in and used the last of his MP to cast Stoneskin again, this time kicking Ghiri's knee. He crumpled as Enix grabbed him by the shoulder and readied a fist for another Strike. Enix moved his face close to Ghiri's as he let his Stoneskin fall off after a minute.

"Never do that again." Enix released Ghiri, stepping back.

The trial of Adversity has been completed!

Your level has increased by one!

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