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Bella POV:



As you might have guessed, there is a celebration going on. Probably wondering what exactly are we celebrating about? Well...we're celebrating our most successful accomplishment of saving the trolls! But not just pop trolls but all other different trolls beyond just pop! Super cool ain't it? I sure as heck think it is! Oh wait! What are my manners!

Hi, I am Bella! I am Poppy and Branch friend and comrade. Ever since that time with the burgins we've sticked together like glue! Ha get it~? Like glueee~? Anyways, after that, we had a good time of no mishaps, but than...the Queen of rock trolls came along...Barb.

She wanted to take over every other trolls in existence and make them be a rock troll just like her...Thankfully! Poppy, Branch, and I put a stop to her, but not only did we do that, we reunited all the other trolls as well! And now here I am in the present celebrating that accomplishment!


We all started singing that song and just having a good time, after eight hours of celebrating, we all called it a night!

"Bye Guys!"

"Seeee yaaaaa lateeeer"

"Wish you good rest!"

"Until next time!!!"

After all our friends said goodbye to me, Poppy, and Branch, we than said goodbye to one another.

"See you later Bella! Me and Branch are going to walk to his bunker!" Poppy chirped out while holding onto Branch's arm, tightly.

Branch of course didn't mind it and just smiled fondly at her.

"Okay!!! See you guys tomorrow~!" I told them, as I waved them a "goodbye" as they did the same.

I watched them leave, hand in hand.

After so many times of trying to get them together, they finally tied the knot! So happy for them! Once I couldn't see them anymore, I walked my own path to my house.

As I am walking, I couldn't help but think about what I should do now that everything is peaceful now...surprisingly, nothing came up.

Usually I would know what I want to do but not this time around. I couldn't help but be concerned about this.

Before I left outside the village, I quickly went to the therapist place in Pop Village and saw the click-board hanging outside. I quickly look to see that the click-board was for trolls that wanted an appointment and quickly put my name and other information on it. I put it back where it was hanging and officially walked outside the village and walking the path to my home, which was in the forest.

I quickly made it to my house and went inside. My place is a cabin house, made it from scratch. I walked up the stairs and went into my room. There I got into my blue, teddy bear pajamas and went into my warm and soft bed.

There I slept with nothing to dream about in this long, cold, night.

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