Special Encounter

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Bella POV:

I went into the bar and took a seat. The bartender notice my presence and comes over to me with a glass and handkerchief in hand.

"What can I getcha?"

"I would like one blue slushy shot please." I told the bartender.

"Coming right up!" The bartender told me as he goes and makes my order.

While waiting, I decided to make a paper bird. It was going pretty good for being the first time to ever make one.

Five minutes later, I was done making it. I look at with awe in my blue eyes. I put it down and start making another.

Suddenly, a troll comes in and sits besides me. During the time I waited, no one sat down beside me. Probably because the way I would scream something random out-loud and also would talk about the most craziest things that disturbed the trolls that sat next to me.

So it came as a shocker when the troll sat next to me. I look at the troll whom sat down next to me.

It was a boy troll, he had pink raspberry hair, his skin pale blue. His eyes were a pale purple. He had black navy earrings on his ears. His outfit is a black jacket with black pants.

I quickly look away, once I catch him trying to look at me. The bartender comes over and he orders his drink. While he ordered, I couldn't help but be mesmerized to the way his voice sounded like.

It sounded....so angelic.

Once he finished ordering he than just takes a small sigh and waits just like me. Silence fell other than other trolls talking in the background and the bartender taking orders and making them.

I almost completed my second paper bird, until suddenly some troll spoke, "Sooooo, are you new here or?"

I look to see the boy troll that is next to me staring in my direction with a curious look on his face. I realized that I was freezing up on him.

So I quickly snap out of it and spoke, "Yes, I am actually! How could you tell?"

"The way you are dressed." He told me, as he pointed at my dress I wore.

"Oh, waiiiit, how does my dress tell you that I'm new here?" I question him, with curiosity in my tone.

"Well...the dress seems thick and it goes past your knees and since it gets hot around this time of month, most trolls wouldn't have chosen that as outside clothing." He explained, now making sense to me.

"Oh that makes sense than." I tell him, with a sweat drop running down my forehead.


"What type of clothing should I wear than?" I ask.

"I would suggest wearing shorts or skirts and tank top or just a thin shirt." He tells me with a small smile on his cute face.


"Um anyway, I didn't catch your name..." The boy troll says.

"Oh, I-I'm Bella, pleasure to meet you!" I tell him, extending my hand out for a shake.

"Hi Bella, my name is Floyd. It's nice to meet you too." The troll boy, Floyd says, shaking my extended hand.

We soon depart our hands and turn to face the bar. I go back to my paper bird as I randomly ask him a question.

"Sooooo...do you ever just wish that you can fart glitter out of your butt?"

"Uhhhh..No, not really." He answers, kinda shocked that I would ask him that.

"Oh okay than." I tell him.

Suddenly I see the bartender with my drink in hand.

"Here's your drink madam!"

"Thank you so much!"

He nods with a smile as he walks away.

"What did you order?" Floyd asks, looking at my drink with curiosity.

"A simple blue slushy haha." I tell him, taking a sip of it. "Mmmmm~ This Is So Gooooood! You should try it!" I tell him, extending my drink to him.

"Ummm, you sure?" He asks, unsure about taking a sip.

"Yeah of course! I wouldn't mind at all!"


"Okay." Floyd than takes a sip, he takes in the flavor before swallowing. "Mmmm~ It is good." He tells me with a satisfied grin on his face.

I chuckle at his reaction and than continue sipping on my drink.

"Sooo, since your new, where did you come from?" He asks me, with a small smile.

"I came from Pop Troll Village!" I answer him with a big smile on my face.

"That's cool"

"What about you, where did you come from before coming here?" I ask him.

"I came from Pop village as well, but I left a looong time ago." He tells me, with a glint of sadness in them.

I wanted to know if he was okay but decided not to since this is our first time meeting one another.

"I see, do you like it here?" I ask him, changing the subject.

"Oh Absolutely!" Floyd tells me with a big smile. "I get to go anywhere and do anything here, not to mention the trolls here are so welcoming and chill." Floyd further more tells me about this town.

I nodded with a smile. I'm glad that this town isn't so unfriendly and is very welcoming.

"It seems I won't have any issues staying here than." I state out loud with a soft happy smile.

"Yeah, um how long are you going to be here for?"  Floyd asks.

"For a few months and than I'm gonna go continue my trip."

"Your on a trip?"

"Yeah, I decided to leave Pop Village so I can explore the world outside of it and oh boy it doesn't disappoint!" I tell him, my hand patting his shoulder in excitement.

"That's seems Amazing." Floyd tells me.

"It is" I tell him, looking back on the memories of the place I've been to.

We were than interrupted by the bartender.

He comes over to Floyd and places his drink down, with a small basket of fries.

"Here you are sir."

"Thank you."

The bartender nods and leaves us.

"Sooooo...what did you order?"

"A strawberry smoothie and plain old fries." Floyd tells me, taking a bite from one of the fries.

"Oooo~ Yum!" I exclaimed, eyeing the fries a bit.

Floyd seemed to catch on since he than asked, "You want a piece?" He holds out a fry for me to take.

"Um, if you don't mind..."

"I don't mind at all, here." Floyd says happily and grabs one of my hands and puts the fry in the palm of it.

I nod my head in gratitude and munched on the fry. After I ate the fry I jumped in my seat in happiness.

"This is sooooo good!" I told Floyd to which he chuckles.

"I can tell." He says while warmly smiling at me.

Me and him continued to talk, we talked about our interests, hobbies, and careers. Once it was time for the bar to close, Floyd suggested to take me back to my place. I nodded in appreciation of him doing that and so we started our walk to my place.

A Perfect Connection Trolls 3 Floyd X OC Reader Where stories live. Discover now