The Talk

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Bella POV:

After packing my stuff, I than walk to Branch place, knowing that Poppy is there as well.

I finally made it to Branch place. I firmly knocked on the door and waited for the it to be opened. I heard shuffling on the other side and two familiar voices talking to one another. Probably wondering who it is.

I heard the shuffling get closer to the door, I than heard the door being unlocked by the many locks that Branch had put on it.

The sound of locks has stopped, than the door opens.

"Oh! Hey Bella, what's up?" Branch said as he opened the door all the way with a smile on his face.

"Hey Branch, is Poppy here?" I asked,  even though I already know the answer.

"Y-Yeah she's here why you ask?" Branch asked in confusion, as he gestured me in to which I went into his place.

"Just wanted to get the two of you at the same time instead of having to talk to you both separately." I told him, as he nodded, still confused. We then went on his "elevator" and waited until we landed at the first floor.

Once we landed on the first floor, we both stepped out of the "elevator" and see Poppy sitting at the dining table.

"Looks who's here~" Branch told Poppy as he used his arm for flare to present my presence.

"Gasp!!!! Belllllaaaaa!!!" Poppy squealed out.

She ran to me and gave me a big hug, the embrace was so big that we tumbled onto the ground. I chuckled at Poppy's actions, glad that she still gets surprised whenever she sees me.

"Nice to see you to Poppy" I told her as I hugged her back as well.

We both broke apart our hug and got up from the ground.

"Anyway, you wanted to see us for..?" Branch asked, dragging out the "r".

"Well...I have important announcement for you guys and since we are super duper close, I wanted to tell you guys first before the rest of our friends." I told them, fiddling with my strands of bright blue hair.

"Oh Okayyyy...?" Poppy said, getting slightly confused about what I'm going to announce.

"Soooo....I made a decision about what I want to do now that everything seems peaceful and no mishaps have happened yet-"

"Just spit it out." Branch said, cutting me off from rambling about whatever I'm going to ramble about.

"Okay...I....I....I am going to travel the world!" I told them, as they both looked at me shocked with their jaws dropping to the ground.

I started sweating as I smiled at them sheepishly.

They quickly recollected themselves and both looked at one another with a small frown. They quickly look back at me with the same small frown on their faces.

"Are you sure this is what you want? Traveling the world seems a bit much don't you think?" Poppy asked as Branch nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I do want this, I know it'll be kinda hectic but I'm willing to deal with that if it means to explore news things about the world we live in." I told them as I smiled fondly to myself.

They both recognized my expression and quickly started to form a small soft smile. Content that I am not forcing myself to do this.

"If that's what you want to do than we can't stop you, Bella" Poppy told me, to which Branch nodded. A sign that he agrees with Poppy statement.

I look at her in shock and than quickly smiled softly at them. I walk over to them and give them a gentle hug.

"Thanks guys...I knew you guys would understand" I said to the both of them as they hugged me back.

After talking to Branch and Poppy about my plan. I than went to grab the others. I told them the same thing that I did with Branch and Poppy.

They all were concerned at first, but than felt reassured when they knew that I wanted to do this.

We all embraced, all of them wishing me good luck on my travels. I thanked them and left. I went to my home and finished packing. Once I finished I made a sign to let the village know that I'm gone, just in case they needed me for something.

I than said "goodbye" to my cabin house and headed back to the village to say my final goodbyes.

Surprisingly, Poppy, Branch, and the others were waiting in front of the village with a sign that said, "Wish You Safe Travels Bella!"

I started to tear up from that and ran to them for one last big hug. Eventually we let go of one another. One by one, all of them wished me luck on my travels.

I thanked them and told them I will see them after my travels. While walking, I heard there "goodbye's" to me.


"See you later!"

"We'll miss you Bella!"

"Don't forget to send postcards!"

"Until Next Time Bella!"

And with that, I started my journey of traveling. Do I know where I am going? No...No I don't...but what's the fun in knowing where I'm going? I rather be surprised!

And Surprised I Was

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