New Life.

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Sera scoffed, hating how kind hearted Emily was.

"I hope you don't expect me to be easy on either of them." The older seraphim said with her arms crossed.

"Sera! That's rude! Their both here for a reason, obviously they redeemed themselves." Emily snarled.

It was only a matter of time before one of the newcomers did something, and Sera would send them back for it.


"I'm home, Amiyah!" Asher calls out, stepping inside the two-story townhouse.

Asher could smell food, which told her the eccentric angel was likely in the kitchen.

"I got you somethin'." Asher said, setting a couple of bags on the table before greeting the shorter angel with a hug and kiss to her cheek.

"Haven't I told ya to call me mama?" Amiyah said, raising a brow and perching her hand on her hip.

"Yes, my apologies ma'am." Asher chuckled, pulling a dainty silver necklace with a red gem out of one of the bags and holding it in front of the elder woman.

"Oh my.. Asher this is beautiful." Amiyah gasped.

Asher chuckled shyly before reaching around Amiyah and clasping the necklace. "There, gorgeous." Asher beamed.

She then pulled out a bracelet with the same red gem, and put it on her own wrist. "We match." Asher said, her now white tail wagging.

The transition from demon to Angel was.. odd for Asher. So many of her darker elements had changed. Her hair was silver now, the red in her eyes was now pinkish, her gold eyes were a softer amber color, her gray skin was an off-white color as well. Her black doe-ish ears and tail were white now, and she also had a halo above her ears and two large white and gray wings attached to her back.

Amiyah smiled at the younger angel before going back to stirring whatever was in the large silver pot on the stove.

For the most part, life with Amiyah was mundane and peaceful. Asher worked when Amiyah did, both at the same restaurant, and Asher often spoiled the older woman for letting her live under her roof for free.

Amiyah told Asher about her human life, and about her family, and in return Asher told her about the good parts of Hell.

Speaking of Hell, she missed it. Allot.

She missed Charlie's high pitched voice waking everyone up with a song, the warmth of her hugs after a long day, she missed Angel Dust's jokes and cuddles when she was feeling down, the way his body warmed instantly when she was in his arms.

She missed Husk's fatherly presence and advice, no matter how gruff he was when he gave it.

She missed training with Vaggie, bonding over their shared experiences and knowledge of different weapons. She missed Nifty and Frankie. She missed her soul-brother Ron, and she especially missed Alastor.

"Dear, you're spacin' out again." Amiyah said softly, approaching her and laying a hand on Asher's arm.

Asher looked at Amiyah's arm, a cold tear rolling down her cheek and landing on the older angel's hand. Amiyah was quick to gather the taller angel into a tight hug, gently rocking her like a mother would.

Amiyah pulled away slightly after a few moments, wiping Asher's tears. "Who're you missin' so much that you've gotta cry? You're too pretty for all that." Amiyah asked.

Asher looked to the ground. "My lover." She said simply, her chest tightening as more tears threatened to spill over her eyes.

Amiyah's heart broke at the sight of Asher, she must've really loved the people in Hell.

"Hey now, I'm sure you'll see the chap again one day, don't dwell on it and let it get you down so much, things will eventually get better. Heaven can't hate you forever." Amiyah smiled, rubbing Asher's cheek.

"What would I do without you, mama?"


A/n: just a heads-up, this story contains allot of smut lol

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