Fallen Angels.

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Asher and Amiyah walked just slightly behind Lucifer, the taller demon listening to the elder chat excitedly as she pointed at buildings she thought was interesting.

"Quite the chatterbox, isn't she?" Lucifer asked with a chuckle.

"I mean, it is her first time seeing Hell." Asher giggled, before she felt an odd sensation in her wings.

She unfurled them and craned her neck to look at the large limbs, noticing the whitish gray at the base of the limbs was darkening and the gray of her inner feathers was fading to a pinkish color.

Lucifer lays a hand on her shoulder. "It's normal. They'll change color and size to accommodate your hellish colors and power level." He tells her with a soft smile.

"Okay, thanks." Asher said with a small smile.

"Heads up ladies, we're almost there!" Lucifer said, continuing on his way.

The closer they got, the more anxious Asher became. What would everyone think? Especially of her bringing Amiyah with her, it was her fault the elder was cast down in the first place.

"What're the people at the hotel like??" Amiyah asked, bright now-red eyes peering up at Asher like a child.

Asher felt warm from Amiyah's seeming innocence.

"Well, Charlie, Lucifer's daughter, is a bundle of absolute joy. She has the biggest dreams I've ever seen anyone have, she's beautiful as well. She's charming, goofy, and her heart is always in the right place. Hells, she wanted to spare the man that had been hunting the Sinners in Hell for thousands of years." Asher told her, and she noticed the proud smile Lucifer sported as Asher spoke of his daughter.

"You're friends with Lucifer's daughter??" Amiyah asks in wonder.

"Yep! She welcomed me in when the only option I had to get on my feet was to pimp myself out." Asher said.

"You always have better options, remember that my dear." Amiyah scolded gently, reaching up and tugging on a strand of Asher's darkening hair harshly.

"Yes, mama." Asher chuckled, swatting Amiyah's hand away playfully.

"Tell me of the others!" Amiyah beamed.

"Well, Vaggie is Charlie's girlfriend and an ex-angel. She's.. guarded, awkward, the 'shoot first ask later' type of gal, but she loves Charlie fiercely and believes wholeheartedly in Charlie's dream." Asher says, distinctly remembering each member of the hotel.

"Don't forget Asher, Ron and Frankie are at the hotel as well." Lucifer said, making Asher's tail wag.

"He stayed??" She asked.

"He did. Him and the Radio Demon have been trying to figure out where you went so they could get you back." The archangel replied to her, smirking as he noticed her flush at the mention of the Radio Demon.

"Radio Demon?" Amiyah asked.

"I'll- get to him." Asher said, calming her pulse.

"Next is Angel Dust. He's a.. pornstar, but at this point we all question whether it's because he wants to be or because he's stuck in a nasty deal with Valentino, an overlord." Asher says while growling at Valentino's name.

"Otherwise, he's a bit perverted but is overall a sweetheart. I don't think he had a great upbringing."

"Well I'll have all of ya right as rain in no time." Amiyah giggled, and Asher's stomach churned at how innocent Amiyah really did seem.

"Then theres Husker. He was an overlord who lost his status and power to the Radio Demon while gambling one night, he works as the hotel's barkeep."

Asher lifted Amiyah over a puddle of blood so the shorter female didn't get her white day-dress stained.

"Next is Nifty, she's tiny and super sweet but also psychotic. She killed Adam." Asher tells Amiyah, laughing at her shocked face.

"Tiny but mighty!" Amiyah commented.

"Indeed." Lucifer chuckled.

"There was Sir Pentious, but as you know he's now in Heaven." Asher tells her, dodging a stray bullet as they walk through a more dangerous part of the Pride ring.

"And then.. there's the Radio Demon. Or, better known at the hotel as Alastor. He's dangerous, menacing, to those he doesn't care about and those who aren't involved in the Hotel. Unless you're Lucifer, then you're kinda just fucked." Asher chuckles.

"Alastor?" Amiyah asked.

"Yeah. Aside from his manipulation and the fact he kills for fun and is sadistic, he's really sweet. A true gentleman actually. Insanely protective too." Asher gushes, her ears furrowing before fluttering back into their perky position on the top of her head.

"We're here." Lucifer said, and the three peered up at the revamped hotel.

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