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Asher wiped down a few tables inside the restaurant as another angel counted the money in the register. It was closing time, and Amiyah's shift had ended earlier in the day.

The other angel brushed passed her on their way out, mumbling a snarky comment to Asher about not belonging in Heaven, but Asher ignored it and pulled her jacket closer to her body.

The doe was extremely tired and so without even taking her jacket off she passed out sitting up on the couch once she had gotten home. Working to make sure Sera wouldn't send her to Hell again and leave Amiyah was tiring.

The next morning both of the angel's are abruptly awoken by a loud pounding on the door. Amiyah opens it, revealing two Exorcist angels and the angel Asher had worked with the night before.

"That's her, on the couch!" She yelled, pointing at Asher.

"What-?" Asher questioned before yelping as both Exorcists grabbed her by her arms and forced her up, checking her pant pockets.

"What the fuck!?" Asher snarled, her ears furrowed and tail fluffed up wildly.

"We have reason to believe you stole money from the register of the establishment you work at." One of the Exorcists said monotonously as the other one searched her jack pockets, pulling out three very expensive looking bills.

Asher's blood went cold.

"I'm not a thief! I swear I didn't even go near the register yesterday!" Asher pleaded, eyes fleeting from Amiyah to the Exorcists.

"Sera will see to it that you get a trial." The Exorcist says simply before they both dragged her out of the house.

"Amiyah you have to believe me! I wouldn't do this to you!" Asher pleaded as she passed Amiyah.

Amiyah knew she'd set herself up for a charge as well if she spoke, but her eyes told Asher that she believed her, and that's all Asher needed, just that little ray of hope.


Asher stood in front of at least 36 different angels, Amiyah among them.

Emily looked depressed, and Sera looked secretly pleased with herself.

"Ex-demon Asher Fischer, you've been charged with theft which is punishable by banishment to Hell. How do you plead?" Sera announced, looking down upon Asher.

Asher felt embarrassed among different sorts of emotions, but before Asher could speak, Amiyah spoke up.

"She didn't do it! She wouldn't dare to!" The elder angel yelled.

"She knows that if she got banished she'd be forced to leave me, and she wouldn't do that." Amiyah tried to reason with Sera.

"Lute, bring Amiyah to stand beside the traitor, and file Treason charges against both of them." Sera says, almost sounding bored.

Emily looks up at the older Seraphim in horror.

Once Amiyah had been placed next to Asher, Sera spoke up once more. "How do each of you plead?"

Asher, defiant as ever, was about to make a scene until Amiyah grasped her hand and spoke up first.


Rebirth. (Deadly Kiss book two.)Where stories live. Discover now