Living Hell.

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Asher snuck into the kitchen, distant sounds of her mother and a random guy having sex in her mother's room told her she could dip into the alcohol supply freely for a short while, so she grabbed a few bottles of Budweiser and a bottle of Tequila before shoving them into her bag and heading back for her room, where her best friend waited at the window.

"You're fuckin' crazy, Ash." The creole girl whisper shouted as Asher strode back into her room with a goofy little grin playing at her lips.

"You're crazy for driving us here Mel." Asher corrected her, handing her the bag before opening the window a little wider and vaulting out.

Melissa kneeled and Asher boosted herself on the darker girl's knee to shut her window before they made a break for the awaiting car.

In the backseat was Melissa's younger brother Brian, who said he'd keep this trip a secret from Asher's mom if he was able to tap into the alcohol.

Once back inside Melissa's room the three of them had no issue falling back into laughs and silly drinking games to pass the time as they got increasingly drunk.

"One hell of a way to kick off 1996." Melissa laughs, and Asher chuckles along with her.

"Fuck yeah it is."


Her mom had figured it out.

Asher had suffered the consequences, before Iris had called Melissa's mom to inform her. Of course Melissa's mom already knew, and had approved of them sneaking over to get the alcohol because Asher had been having bouts with severe depression and her birthday was right around the corner, but Iris was livid.

Asher winced as she laid her arms on her desk, Melissa giving her an apologetic look.

"I'm so sorry, Ash.." Melissa whimpered.

Asher shook her head, smiling weakly at her best friend. "Not your fault, I'm just glad I'll live to see my sixteenth birthday."

"Speaking of!" Melissa perked up.

"I can't spend the night on my birthday. I'm grounded, remember?" Asher told her.

"The fuck bro." Melissa huffed, slamming her head onto the wooden desk.

Asher shrugged tiredly.

"She already beat you, what is she gaining from keeping you home on one of the best birthdays ever?" Melissa asked as the teacher strode into the classroom.

"Honestly? Not sure." Asher tells her as they open their textbooks.


Amiyah shook her head. "Your mother sounds like she wasn't parented very well herself." She said, pushing her pinkish hair out of her face.

"I wouldn't know, I never met my grandparents." Asher tells her, taking a sip of the sweet tea Amiyah had made.

"What ever happened to your best friend?" Amiyah asked.

"We met in Hell a few years after I died. She's a fox-like demon with a dance club." Asher tells her with a soft smile.

"Ooh. Say, have ya spoken to the other fellow that was redeemed with ya?" She asked.

"I'm forbidden from speaking to him, remember mama?" Asher chuckles.

"Oh that's right. Silly me." Amiyah laughs.

Asher giggled, eyes softening as she gazed at the angel.

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