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Asher hated to admit it, but the fall into Hell again a second time was allot more annoying than the first time.

Unable to use her wings to catch herself, she lands roughly in a patch of red grass, hitting her head harshly.

She's catching her breath when she hears another thud, and she sits up quickly to make sure Amiyah was okay. At least, until she notices none other than Lucifer Morningstar stepping out of his enormous house with a bag.

He turns and makes eye contact with her, and his eyebrows quickly shoot up in surprise.

"Asher is it really you?" He asks, quickly walking over and helping her up after putting his bag down.

"Yeah, surprise." Asher sighed before helping Amiyah up.

Asher looks at her hands and notices her skin starting to revert back to the gray and black she was used to.



Asher summersaulted over the head of Zestial, landing next to Midnight. "Be ready to lose, Grandpa!" The dark colored demoness said with a smirk playing on her lips.

Asher side eyed her friend, hands gripping her turquoise scythe in an offensive stance.

"Nothing to say, Doe?" Zestial countered, locking eyes with Asher.

She shrugged, twirling her scythe with a lazy grin. She was young, with an air of arrogance surrounding her in her barely three years in Hell. She'd made enough of an impact to know what she was capable of, but she was also on a good standing with Zestial despite Midnight constantly picking a fight with the elder.

Midnight charged at Zestial, and he quickly deflected her before Asher landed a hit on him with the handle of her scythe.

"What the fuck, Asher?!" Midnight yelled.

Asher looked at her with a raised brow.

"You're supposed to use the blade not the ass of the weapon." Midnight deadpanned.

Asher rolled her eyes. "I'm not killing a friend." Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Zestial looking at Midnight with a smug little toothless grin of his own.

Midnight groans before attacking Zestial again. "Fine! I don't need you anyway." She growled.

Asher held in a grimace before standing to the side, leaning on her weapon as she watched her overly arrogant friend.

The longer the fight goes on, Asher begins to become disinterested, looking on with a bored expression.

Finally Zestial lands a borderline fatal blow, and he's about to strike again when he's deflected by Asher's blade.

"That's enough, Zestial. She's a pain in the ass, yes, but she's also my friend." Asher says lowly, her eyes burning an angry red.

Zestial regards her with a respectful green gaze before stepping away and bowing. "Of course my dear. Deepest apologies." He says before he takes his leave.

Asher turns to Midnight, seeing her breaths begin to slow.

"Ash.. I'm an idiot." She chokes out.

Asher nods. "Yeah, but you're my idiot. I can heal you, but I'll need something in return." Asher says, kneeling in front of Midnight.

"Not even two weeks in Hell and a demon's about to get my soul." Midnight jokes before coughing up blood.

Asher grimaced inwardly, but she knew Midnight was right.

"Be glad it's me and not an overlord." Asher joked lightly.

Midnight let out a strangled chuckle, before holding out her hand. "Take it then, you earned it."

"For your soul, I give you a second chance and protection for the next seven years." Asher said, before making contact and grasping Midnight's hand.

Rebirth. (Deadly Kiss book two.)Where stories live. Discover now