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"When I walk in, stay by the entrance hall until I signal you two to come out." Lucifer tells both girls, and Asher pulls her wings into her body and uses a spell to hide them.

They stand in the entrance, Amiyah fussing over stray hairs that framed Asher's face messily.

"So Charlie! I got a surprise for everyone." Lucifer beams.

Husk raises a brow.

"Surprise?" He asks.

"Yep! You'll like it!" Lucifer says smugly.

Alastor's smile was tight as he stood by the bar, leaning on his microphone. "Doubtful." He sneered.

Ron shuffled tiredly as he cradled his daughter. "Lucifer, I doubt anything could really make things better right now. The Extermination was two months ago, we're still healing." He commented, and then nuzzled his twitching nose into his daughter's hair.

"Lighten up, guys! Just a little." Charlie said, before beaming at her father.

"What's the surprise, Lucifer?" Vaggie asked, mildly disinterested.

In reality Vaggie only asked because she wanted to leave a good impression on Lucifer as his daughter's girlfriend.

Asher grinned mischievously as Lucifer flicked his finger twice in Asher and Amiyah's line of sight, it was their signal to emerge.

"An old friend and a new face, of course!" He beamed as Asher and Amiyah rounded the corner.

Asher's hair and ears and tail were a dark gray now, her skin back to its normal color and her white star-like freckles had returned.

Everyone stared wide eyed as Lucifer beckoned her further into the room with a hand on her upper back.

"ASHER!!" Angel screams, launching himself into her arms and knocking her into the King of Hell.

Asher nuzzled into Angel's neck as Charlie and Vaggie joined the hug, followed by Nifty.

She breaks away with a smile, only for them to disperse as Alastor approaches slowly with a wavering smile and watery eyes. "Asher..? My dear..?" He muttered.

"It's me, Al." She said, tears beginning to well up in her eyes as her chest finally felt some of the pressure ease from finally being near him after so long.

Suddenly he lurches forward, grasping her cheeks and pulling her flush to him and capturing her lips in a deep kiss.

She kisses him back and cups his cheek until he pulls away. She stares into his eyes with a starry look in her amber hues.

Suddenly, she tenses, and her wings reveal themselves as she twists around with a glare.

"Itchy?" Lucifer asked with a laugh.

"Your 'pure' feathers are dying, so you're molting early." Lucifer explained.

Asher looked at the Devil with a hurt puppy type of look in her eyes. "They're already sensitive enough." She whined.

"I could always teach Alastor how to help ya." Husk piped up, walking up to Asher and giving her a side hug with a small smile.

Asher scratched between his ears happily, before turning to Amiyah.

"I almost forgot!!" She beamed taking Amiyah's hand and leading her further into the parlor.

"This, is Amiyah. She took me in when I went to heaven, and stood up against Sera before we both fell." Asher said, smiling lovingly at the shorter ex-angel.

Amiyah's appearance was changing as well, her skin was a couple shades darker than Alastor's now and her once bright pink hair was a fuscia color with deep burgundy highlights. Her wings were now dark gray, and her eyes were a dark amber.

"Mama, these are my friends." She said, finally turning to face everyone.

However, Alastor didn't waste time, a deep realization slapping him in the face with water colder than the deepest depths of Antarctica.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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