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It was around 11 in the night when Ahn-soo entered walked into his apartment, after a tiring day of work. It was a small, two bedroom apartment.

After 5 months of renovation, Ahn-soo was now running his restaurant happily. It was his great luck that he could own a restaurant in Gangnam all thanks to huge amount of savings in the last 6 years and Ha-won's quick action. And now business was doing really well considering he was a rookie, owning a restaurant is totally different than working in a restaurant.

One of reason for good business was amazing choice of menu served. It had savoury traditional Korean food and huge variety toothsome western meals, amazing food quality and quantity, Ahn-soo made sure of top notch customer service.

But new business and his extra efforts to make sure everything including food and other services were perfect, left him worn out.

He cleaned himself and nodded off as soon as his back touched the bed. Around 1:40 in the midnight he woke up and couldn't get back to sleep, and it was unusual. After half an hour of trying to go back to dreamland he decided to have some fresh air, so he grabbed his jacket and walked out of the apartment. He took stairs to rooftop and soon met with chilling breeze of early September it made him shiver. He zipped up his jacket and tucked his hands in pockets. He looked around the rooftop, it was empty. He walked forward and looked at the night sight, the city was lighten up even though it was two in the midnight. The building had 30+ floors so he could see around pretty well. The streets were still lively despite being half past two and cars were rushing on the roads. Ahn-soo stare at the night lights, heard the hush noises.

After some staring at the city, Ahn-soo leaned against the parapet which reached up-to his chest, back facing the city and closed his eyes. Cold breeze ruffling his hairs, his nose felt cold and wet. He opened his eyes slowly and looked up to see moon shining above him, lonely, no star in the sight, cause of city lights. Ahn-soo suddenly felt the sense of loneliness. He felt like moon, all alone in the wide sky, surrounded by stars but still lonely. Soon moon hid behind the clouds, leaving behind darkness.

He was 28, and lonely. He didn't particularly felt same all the time but there were times when he craves for affection, pure blessing of true love, warmth of unconditional love which makes you feel whole, complete, euphoric like said in romantic movies and novels. A love that belongs only to you, long lasting, forever yours and a deep pure connection, physically and emotionally, a deep sense of belongingness and solace.

But he certainly don't really think if that love exists anymore outside of books and screens. He have seen people falling in love, confessing love, making promises of love for eternity and soon they fall out of love. And feeling same thing for another person yet again to do most probably same. He had seen people pretending to be madly in love for their selfishness, for profits, and what not. He had seen too many this kinda love story that he sometimes feels he is better off this love.

In today's world people find love in physical touch than the deep emotional depth of belongingness and soon gets bored and looks it for in another person. He definitely didn't want that. He want only one person with whom he see his forever. Deep down Ahn-soo hope he'd someday find his perfect love, long lasting, unconditional love, that will last forever. He want someone with whom he see himself living together till the end, loving till the end and beyond, but would he find his that one person, his only one? He wished for it, cause most certainly he hadn't found that person yet, not even a single being had made stir his heart in way yet.

Ahn-soo came out of his thoughts when he heard glass shattering sound. He looked around to see a dark shadow on the very other side of the rooftop sitting on the parapet, whom he didn't see before. He hesitately walked towards the silhouette to find a man, a bottle attached to his mouth and some bottles on the edge of parapet. In the darkness, his face wasn't visible much. Soon the bottle in hands of the man hit hard against the ground and shattered in pieces. The man stood up with wobbling legs and walked on the parapet with another bottle in his hand, making Ahn-soo panic. He walked faster towards the man and heard sobs and hiccups indicating the man was crying. The man sat down after walking a little. Ahn-soo's heart was threatening to come out of his chest, knowing how dangerous it was for the man to do this, specially in the drunken state.

"I wonder if my pain will disappear after this? Or will it follow all along?" he heard the deep, slurry voice of the drunken man. "I'm sure it will stop hurting." he heard the man laugh, which in no way sound joyful. Ahn-soo panicked and ran to the man who was slowly leaning backward. Ahn-soo held the legs of the man who was a second away from leaning his whole weight back and ending his life. Ahn-soo pulled the man towards himself which caused them both to fall on the ground with hard thud. A rush of pain ran through his body as he hit the ground and the drunken man fall on his body. "I wish to die." Ahn-soo heard deep voice whispering near his ear.

Ahn-soo pushed the man aside and stayed lying down on the ground feeling back of his head and whole back throbbing in pain, his breathing heavy because of panic. His heart was beating loudly and few seconds later he looked to his right to see the man who was laying beside him, his face facing other side. Ahn-soo raised himself into sitting position and growned in pain when he felt his elbow stinging with pain. He then looked at the man who seemed to be blacked out.

The moon made his appearance known as the moonlight shone on them and Ahn-soo looked for the man's face which was hidden with thick mob of brown hairs. Ahn-soo looked at the man for sometime, contemlating before finally bring him to his apartment.

Ahn-soo opened the door of his apartment, while carrying the unconscious man on his back, the man weigh nothing much according to him, but he smelled like hell of alcohol and faint musk. Ahn-soo walked straight towards the sofa and made the unconscious man sit on that who instantly fell on his side dropping his upper body on the sofa. Ahn-soo stared at the man in front of him. Ahn-soo couldn't believe that he would see him in this state. On the rooftop when he decided to bring the man to his apartment as he had no other option, he was shocked when he got clear look of the face of unconscious man while trying to make him stand on his feet. It took him mere couple of seconds to recognize this person, the one he least expected to see right here and certainly not in this condition and this kind of situation.


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