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"Seems you like to collect alcohol bottles, no?" he chose to say even though he knew it wasn't the case at all. And just as he expected, he received no response. He mindlessly looked at the guy in front if him who was now chugging down the beer from the bottle as he walked out of kitchen totally ignoring him. Ahn-soo looked at the back of the lost man who walked mindlessly, kicking the empty alcohol bottles away, which laid on the floor, and climbed the stairs, most probably toward his bedroom.

Now Ahn-soo was now left in the kitchen unattended, ignored; not like he was invited at the first place. He looked at Jiwook who soon disappeared from his sight, into a room. He remembered the time when it was him who ignored Jiwook and now he was being ignored.

Ahn-soo sighed before following him upstairs. He felt so embarrassed and awkward, barging into someone's home. But leaving this guy alone was not an option.

As expected the bedroom was again littered with empty alcohol bottles. Aside from totally messed state the big and spacious room was beautiful. Soft colors combined together in the interior of the room giving it calm and inviting feeling, if you ignore the trash of empty bottles, and few papers and photos laying around along with some clothes and stuff. Even Ahn-soo himself wasn't a very tidy type guy but he had sudden urge to clean the room and this overall very beautiful house all along. He shook his head discarding this weird thoughts and looked at Jiwook who had thrown himself on the beanbag carelessly, attaching the beer bottle to his mouth again.

"You'll choke on beer if you won't slow down." he stood in front of him with arms crossed on his chest.

"Maybe that's exactly I'm am looking forward to." a deep and slurry voice reached his ears, with no sense of humor. Ahn-soo was now totally assured he did make right decision by not leaving this man alone. He bent down and tried to snatch the bottle away but Jiwook was fast to save what seemed his precious treasure.

Ahn-soo was still leaning down to grab the bottle as he asked him to give away the bottle but of course the other did not. Instead he stood up, making Ahn-soo step back due to sudden closeness. Jiwook looked at him with half opened, red drunken hazel eyes. He raised his hand and pointed his forefinger on Ahn-soo's chest and stepped closer, removing the distance which Ahn-soo created a couple of moment ago. Ahn-soo was too stunned to move back, their noses almost touching. He looked into hazel eyes which were puffy, tired, surrounded by dark circles.

"Just because you played superhero last night, acted like Mother Teresa, you think you you can do anything you want? Just because you saved me, which I definitely did not want, you think you can intrude in my place and act like you are some guardian angel." He chuckled dryly as he finished his sentence and pushed him away and walked passed him while bumping into his shoulder. Ahn-soo bit his lip harshly feeling the anger in Jiwook's voice. Ahn-soo was lost in his thoughts thinking what made the cheerful bubbly Jiwook so depressed that he have almost given up on life.

His chain of thoughts broke when he heard yapping noise, he turned around to look at the door of bathroom opened. He followed the sound and found Jiwook throwing up in the toilet. His worriedly looked at the hunched figure as he noticed even bathroom was filled with beer canes and bottles. He walked to Jiwook with quick steps and rubbed his back to sooth him. After couple of minutes Jiwook stopped throwing up, so Ahn-soo quickly ran out of room to downstairs, into the kitchen and came back with a glass of warm water with honey.

He approached Jiwook who was slump against basin cabinet, looking extremely pale, holding his stomach as if in pain; he was in pain.

Ahn-soo sat in front of him. "Here, drink some warm water, you'll feel better." he said very softly as if talking with a child. Jiwook pushed Ahn-soo's hand away which was holding glass in front of his mouth and stood up with wobbly legs and walked out of room only to grab another half filled alcohol bottle and opening it. Before he could get the satisfaction of drinking it, Ahn-soo snatched the bottle away.

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